Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4742: The Wind Chime of Memories (17)

Huang Qingwu's face was slightly reddish, a little embarrassed, "I have money myself, I can buy it."

Han Yichu looked down at Huang Qingwu seriously and earnestly. "But I don't want you to worry about it. I have prepared it for you. You just have to go."

If according to the time the two get along in this life, it is too early to see their parents.

But the point is that the two have memories of the past, so many feelings are natural.

"Do you really want to go? I'm not mentally prepared."

"I am your psychological preparation."

Huang Qingwu blushed, "Han Yichu, you are now most likely to speak sweet words, so you will laugh."

"If you want to shove, just shove you."

Huang Qingwu's face became more and more red, she didn't know what to say, and she was shy with her head down.

Even in the face of the most familiar lover, she would blush, and was blushed by Han Yichu.

Looking at Huang Qingwu's blushing appearance, Han Yichu's heart was drunk. He embraced Huang Qingwu and didn't want to let go.

"Release your hand."

"No, don't want to let go if you hold it."

Huang Qingwu was speechless. Where was the elegant and refined person who had been out of the dust, why now she likes to hug her so much!

But despite the thought in his heart, Huang Qingwu couldn't help raising the sweet arc.

"Okay, you say see your parents when you see them."

Hearing that Huang Qingwu really nodded his agreement, Han Yichu was relieved. He bowed his head and kissed Huang Qingwu’s heart. "Tanwu, I will treat you well, trust me."

Of course, she believed that Han Yichu now wished that she could be tied to her body. The kind of caring sense was too obvious that she could not ignore.

Naturally know that he loves her and will treat her well.

I am really happy to be with the person I love.

Just one sentence, the heart will throb.

Han Yichu was the one who wanted to hit the iron while he was hot, and he drove home with Huang Qingwu on the same day.

"At the beginning, no, I'm going out now!"

Han Yichu put on a seat belt for Huang Qingwu and bowed her head to kiss her cheek. "Good boy, look back what you want to buy. I will accompany you to go. Today we will go home."

"But isn't it late when you arrive at your house?"

"It's okay. Let's have a meal in the evening. We will come back the next day. If you like the house, you can live a few days longer. If you don't like it, we will come back."

Han Yichu's current thoughts are all on Huang Qingwu, and naturally he must pay attention to her emotions and whether she likes it.

After hearing Han Yichu say this, Huang Qingwu didn't think much about it.

Outside the gate of Han's old mansion, Huang Qingwu was still taken aback by Han's manor. Although the Black Dragon Party is also very big, it has a completely different style, and here is all classical charm.

Han Yichu looked at Huang Qingwu's somewhat surprised look and asked softly, "Do you like it here?"

"Your Han's architectural style is very unique."

And looking at the building here, she had a new idea for the script.

After getting out of the car, Han Yichu opened the door to Huang Qingwu and pulled her out of the car.

Because it was said in advance that at this time, the Han's door was officially opened, and many people lined up to meet at the door, holding flowers and setting off firecrackers.

Huang Qingwu froze at the gate, and Han Yichu took the things and took her hand: "Go, let's go in."

After they went in, Han Han and Han Mother looked at Huang Qingwu lovingly.

Originally, they had no idea about the girl, they thought their son liked it so much, they just accepted it. Anyway, they will be a family.

But I didn't expect to be such a beautiful girl.

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