Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4746: The Wind Chime of Memories (21)

Han Yichu murmured at Huang Qingwu's neck and used a lot of force when holding it. He even wished he could rub Huang Qingwu into his body.

He missed it.

And his proud self-control in front of Huang Qingwu didn't work at all.

He only had this impulse and thoughts to her.

When I was with Helianman before, there was no such idea at all.

It can only be said that he only loves dancing.

Huang Qingwu's face was a little red, but he also understood Han Yichu's heart, and there was no worries in his heart.

But she always feels a lot of embarrassment in front of Han Yichu.

Han Yichu whispered in Huang Qingwu's ear, suddenly realized a problem, he looked down at Huang Qingwu deeply, and said: "Qingwu, if you want, we can..."

In any case, he can't be grievanced and dance, if she wants, he will definitely give it.

Huang Qingwu hated to find a hole in the hole, how could he say such a thing.

"I don't have any, no..."

Huang Qingwu did not look at Han Yichu with his eyes closed, nor did he let him see his shyness.

Han Yichu looked at Huang Qingwu's expression and smiled gently. He touched Huang Qingwu's face with his fingers. "Good, you love me, I love you. This is normal."

After a pause, Han Yichu explained: "Qingwu, I want to give you the best after marrying you. You can doubt others, but don't doubt my love for you again in the future."

Listening to Han Yichu's so serious words, Huang Qingwu nodded, "Uh."

Without feeling ill, the relationship between the two continued to be as good as glue.

Huang Qingwu originally wanted to find an opportunity to talk to her parents about her and Han Yichu's affairs, but the school started quickly after a short time.

Huang Qingwu thought about it, waiting for a trip home on the weekend, exploring the tone, and telling his family about it.

Han Yichu personally drove Huang Qingwu to school and got off the bus. Han Yichu took Huang Qingwu's hand and walked around the campus. The possessive appearance was particularly obvious.

So many people on campus saw that Huang Qingwu was the person of Han Yichu, and the relationship between the two had not changed.

"Stop staying in the future, I will pick you up at night and we will go home."

"it is good."

Because of Han Yichu's influence and his deliberate account, no one else on the campus chewed his tongue in front of Huang Qingwu.

On the weekend, Huang Qingwu went home and explored the tone. With the support of her mother and sister, it was really no problem.

Later, Huang Qingwu took Han Yichu back to the Black Dragon Party.

When Han Yichu knew that Huang Qingwu was the first lady of the Black Dragon Party, he was shocked.

He could not have imagined that she was the legendary princess of the Black Dragon Party.

Han Yichu held Huang Qingwu's hands tighter. He thought that he had injured such a noble princess before.

No wonder Huang Qingwu said that disappeared, disappeared, said that he could not find it.

That's because she really has such strength behind her.

When Han Yichu knew the identity of Huang Qingwu, he was very complicated. He felt that it might not be that simple to marry Huang Qingwu.

In particular, the Black Dragon Party has to check some news, it is not difficult to check.

Huang Qingwu looked at Han Yichu's face, "Yichu, are you not happy to go to my house?"

Han Yichu's face was still stiff, "No, I'm very happy. I just think my dance is so honorable. Your family may not really agree with us."

"Can you give up if you disagree?"

"I can't give up even if I killed my life."

This is Han Yichu's attitude, but his heart will inevitably be a little uncomfortable. In the face of his peers, it is really nothing. In the face of elders, he must give enough respect.

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