When Ying Qianxi leaned close.

Huang Qingdie's breath was followed by a suffocation, staring at Han Yichu stunnedly. She didn't know what to do or what to say.

She looked up at Ying Qianxi like this, only to think that he was really so beautiful. She seemed to feel the warm wind and heard the sound of flowers blooming.

Huang Qingdie is worried about the stars in her eyes, the pink bubbles.

I was a little shy in front of the person I liked, but I didn’t want the other person to see my emotions. I was afraid that her likes would be discovered by the other person.

Ying Qianxi went to Huang Qingdie and looked down at her.

I just feel like I haven't seen this girl for a long time.

The two stood like this, or Ying Qianxi touched Huang Qingdie's hair like before, "Silly girl, don't you know?"

Ying Qianxi's words broke the strangeness and apathy of the two at once.

Huang Qingdie's heart suddenly became warm.

Her heartbeat recovered immediately. She looked at Ying Qianxi and threw her tongue out, "I thought you didn't know me anymore. You are now a big star, so red, so many fans, how can you remember me."

"Fool, whoever forgets will never forget you."

Huang Qingdie's heart throbbed when he heard this sentence. He seemed to treat her as before, and he hadn't changed.

She can feel the warmth, what should I do? I like it more.

He is so good that she likes it very much.

"Neither did I forget you."

After Huang Qingdie said this, she wished she could bite her tongue out. Why did she not have such a high IQ every time in front of Ying Qianxi?

Why did she say such a sentence?

Hearing Huang Qingdie’s words, Ying Qianxi smiled softly. He couldn’t help but stretch his hand and rubbed Huang Qingdie’s hair. “You didn’t even tell me, you’re in this school, listen to them. You are a talented girl, very powerful."

Huang Qingdie's face was a little red, and the people she liked were so happy.

Suddenly she felt that all the previous efforts were worthwhile, and all the efforts would be worth it even if she could get a compliment from someone she liked.

Is she also excellent in Ying Qianxi's heart?

Huang Qingdie carefully looked at Ying Qianxi's eyes and found that his eyes were still as gentle as before.

"I've been going to school all the time. At that time, I heard that you were filming there to play. I didn't expect to see you. I... I actually like watching you sing from a very early age."

Huang Qingdie didn't know what to say to Ying Qianxi. Perhaps in front of the person she liked, she would always say a lot, and she would always think about the topic.

Hearing what Huang Qingdie said about his singing, Ying Qianxi tranced. It seemed that the singing had gone a long time ago. I didn't expect this girl to remember it.

"Do you remember the past? That was all a thing of the past."

Huang Qingdie listened to Ying Qianxi's words, and felt a little sour in her heart, and some were uncomfortable. "The people who liked you were still there."

Ying Qianxi looked down at Huang Qingdie and saw the shining starlight in the girl's eyes, as if he could illuminate the dark places in his heart at once.

He could feel her comforting herself, "should thank those who still like me."

Huang Qingdie pursed her lips and couldn't help saying: "Will you still sing?"

Huang Qingdie asked carefully, for fear of reminding Ying Qianxi of unhappy things.

Ying Qianxi looked at Huang Qingdie deeply, "Do you like to hear me sing?"

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