Huang Qingdie's sudden words made Ying Qianxi stunned slightly.

Just talking about the previous college life, suddenly jumped on this topic, he did not react for a while.

And I have never thought about the topic of girlfriend or girlfriend.

After Huang Qingdie asked the exit, she wanted to hit herself again.

Ying Qianxi smiled softly, his chest shaking slightly.

Huang Qingdie was so stunned to hear such pleasant laughter. Was she funny about this question?

Huang Qingdie blinked innocently and looked at Ying Qianxi, unknown.

Ying Qianxi reached out and touched Huang Qingdie's hair, "silly girl, I had no girlfriend before."

Hearing this sentence, Huang Qingdie couldn't help but be happy.

Ying Qianxi lowered his head and whispered with a magnetic voice: "Is this relieved?"

With a reverberating voice ringing in his ears, Huang Qingdie was really a little dazed, so rest assured?

But she still had a blank brain and nodded instinctively.

After nodding his head, Huang Qingdie realized what he had done, and his face turned red with a snap, hot red.

Ying Qianxi looked at the little girl's posture, her eyebrows softened, and she couldn't help saying: "It's a lovely girl."

Huang Qingdie couldn't hear what Ying Qianxi meant.

Is it to praise her or something?

Before Huang Qingdie thought about it, Ying Qianxi whispered: "Go back and I will pick you up tomorrow morning."

"Uh huh."

Huang Qingdie nodded, and then entered the building in the fog.

Ying Qianxi watched her go in and left.

After Huang Qingdie returned to the dormitory, she suddenly recovered. She blushed and hurried to the window to look down, but there was no Ying Qianxi.

Huang Qingdie was a little low.

She thinks that she likes Ying Qianxishen, maybe he feels to her just like a little girl.

If you really like someone, won't you leave so quickly, not willing to leave?

Huang Qingdie looked at the window for a long time, his expression was a bit lonely.

"Qingdie, what are you looking downstairs? Does anyone confess to the girls in our building tonight?"

Huang Qingdie was uncomfortable when he heard this sentence, and his face stiffened. "Li Chun, when you were with your boyfriend, did he stand downstairs for a long time every time he came to see you."

"You said this, I told him every time, let him go back early, but he said, when I went upstairs, greeted him upstairs, he left again, and he didn't listen to it anymore. "

Huang Qingdie's face became worse when she heard this sentence.

She knew that that was what she really liked. Should Ying Qianxi treat her only as a sister?

But he told her that he had no girlfriend.

So what does he mean?

Li Chun was supposed to go to bed after wiping his face, but when he saw Huang Qingdie still in a daze, he said strangely: "Qingdie, what's wrong with you today, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just think your boyfriend really loves you."

"He chased me for a long time before catching up. Naturally, he was kind to me. I told him that he wouldn't do it if he was not good to me.

Huang Qingdie sighed inwardly. She would not fall in love or know how to catch a man's heart.

But she really likes Ying Qianxi, and her mood is also tangled with his reaction.

And tomorrow...

By the way, tomorrow...

Huang Qingdie quickly tried the clothes from the box over the box and tried this one, that one.

"Qingdie, are you in love?"

Everyone knows that only a relationship can make a girl care about appearance.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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