Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4770: The Wind Chime of Memories (45)

After Ying Qianxi leaned over, Huang Qingdie sorted out the hair blown by the wind, "Okay."

Huang Qingdie opened her eyes and met Ying Qianxi's eyes. There was a gentle halo in it, which made people indulge in it.

Huang Qingdie stared at Ying Qianxi staring stunnedly. Under such a glance, he felt terrified.

She thinks she really likes Ying Qianxi, and it is not like it in general, it is like it very much.

Huang Qingdie's body was tight at this moment.

When Ying Qianxi looked at Huang Qingdie, his eyes were also deep, and there were too many emotions hidden in it, which made people hard to see for a while.

After a while, Ying Qianxi touched Huang Qingdie's hair and said nothing.

All the way to the school, Ying Qianxi sent Huang Qingdie downstairs to the dormitory, but Huang Qingdie still didn't recover.

Her heart is always beating fast, and she has to jump out of her heart.


Huang Qingdie looked at the dormitory and turned to correspond to Qian Xidao: "Thank you today."

She knew that Ying Qianxi would leave here tomorrow and leave school. Even if she didn’t give up, she didn’t want to say anything else.

Ying Qianxi seemed to be able to see the sadness in Huang Qingdie's eyes and said, "Silly girl, I want to play in the future, I will take you out again."

Huang Qingdie pursed her lips and tried to ask some questions, but hesitated, but did not ask.

Today her heartbeat is too fast and her heart is so chaotic, she needs to sort it out.

Huang Qingdie smiled at Qianxi and waved her hand, "Then I went in."

"Well, my mobile phone will not change, it is the same as before, if there is anything I can call me."

"it is good."

The conversation between the two at this moment is very simple, but I know that this is not a difference, but a short separation, and I will see you later.

Ying Qianxi watched Huang Qingdie enter the building before leaving.

Huang Qingdie returned to the dormitory and was very happy to think of Ying Qianxi's company today. She also thought that he was leaving school. She was also sad.

This evening, Huang Qingdie didn't sleep much, and all she thought about was with Ying Qianxi all day long.

The next day was Zhou Tian, ​​and she woke up very early.

When she woke up, everyone else in the dormitory was still sleeping.

Huang Qingdie packed herself up and wanted to send Ying Qianxi's crew away, but she didn't like that kind of scene after all, so she was alone in the dorm bed.

Just when she was in a daze, her cell phone rang, a text message, and Ying Qianxi told her that he was leaving school.

Huang Qingdie squeezed the phone and was reluctant, but he replied a few words of blessing.

Huang Qingdie was almost dazed all morning.

After waking up in the morning, her roommates turned on the computer and started to wonder, "This... Qingdie, you... wouldn't you date Ying Qianxi yesterday?"

Huang Qingdie shivered, "Why do you say that?"

"Look at the photos, didn't you wear such a suit yesterday?"

Huang Qingdie quickly went to see the computer. Sure enough, there were photos of her and Ying Qianxi, but it was very vague, without a face. Many fans of Ying Qianxi were discussing below, saying that their idols were in love.

There are many comments below.

"Looking at Qian Qianxi's actions towards the girl and her pampering look, it must be in love."

"Is Ying Qianxi's girlfriend, right? Ying Qianxi has never heard of gossip before."

"It's so good to protect my girlfriend, never bring it out, this will be discovered by fans."

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