Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4782: The Wind Chime of Memories (58)

Duan Jintian's stunned words make Xirong's heart drunk.

He knew that Duan Jintian was a good girl.

Xirong Fuchen said lovingly: "It's really stupid girl, some things let me say, I only want you by my side."

Xirong Fuchen and Duan Jintian are holding here, neither of them really want to let go of each other.

Helianman always wanted to be the first lady.

So she walked everywhere, just to find Xirong floating dust.

But what did she see?

She saw the president who had always been cold and honorable, at this time holding a girl so tenderly.

That girl is so sweet.

She remembered that this girl seemed to be the princess of Country X, the daughter of the President and the President’s wife, the girl who has always been talked about by the whole world, so her beauty is still so high.

Helian Man looked and thought, his face turned very white and white in an instant.

She took a step back in a panic.

I didn't know what she encountered, and made a sound, alarming Xirong Fuchen and Duan Jintian.

After all, Duan Jintian was very shy and shy. She saw that she was seen, and she ran away without thinking about anything else.

Xirong Fuchen looked at the woman in front of her and frowned, not impressed at all.

But he still said: "I hope you can forget what you just saw. In order to protect sweetness, I don't mind using some means."

This is a threat, a naked threat by the president.

Even if Helen Man responded slowly, he would react.

She opened her mouth and said, "Do you like that princess?"

"I like the person she has loved since childhood. Our affairs have not been announced. Before it is announced, I don't want any rumors from the outside world to be harmful to her. I hope you can understand."

Helian Man's face was pale, and she only now understood that it turned out that President Xirong was not indifferent or indifferent, but that he gave his love and enthusiasm to the sweet girl.

"I...I know, I understand, you can rest assured..."

Helianman stuttered when he spoke.

Although she likes rights, she also likes Xirong Fuchen, but she still doesn't want to destroy people's feelings.

Moreover, she had heard before that the father of Xirong Fuchen and the wife of President X had such a past.

Perhaps these two people are together to make up for regret.

So she won't say it, she won't say it.

Xirong Fuchen nodded and walked towards another aspect. For this woman, he did not know who he was, but he was not interested in knowing.


Now that time has passed, it is time for Han Yichu and Huang Qingwu to hold a ceremony.

The whole ceremony was beautiful and very beautiful.

Han Yichu was affectionate from beginning to end.

Let him speak to Huang Qingwu, he is also so affectionate.

Friends and family are happy for both of them.

After the ceremony ended, in the evening, Han Yichu was finally relieved.

When he returned to the building, he couldn't help but hug Huang Qingwu in the living room, "Qingwu, this time, you will never leave again, you are mine."

Huang Qingwu smiled. I don’t know why Han Yichu always worried about her leaving. Was it because she loved a person too much?

"At the beginning, I was yours, and you should stop thinking about it."

Han Yichu looked at the smile between Huang Qingwu's eyebrows and his eyes dimmed, "Qingwu, you don't know, so you don't know the worry in my heart, you promised me."

"Okay, I promise you."

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