Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4784: The Wind Chime of Memories (60)

The memories that Huang Qingwu thought in his mind flashed over and over again, which was equivalent to cutting her heart again and again with a knife.

Huang Qingwu is very painful, but he has to endure this pain, and he cannot show it in front of Han Yichu.

She finally knew why Han Yichu suffered so much.

Because he was afraid that she remembered those memories.

She finally knew that, when she had no memory at that time, Han Yichu found out why it was so painful.

Oh, is he guilty?

But what to do, now she still loves Han Yichu so much.

But for those hurts, she couldn't forget for a while.

Huang Qingwu's heart was crying and weeping.

This night, Huang Qingwu really mobilized all his strength to let Han Yichu love her.

"Dancing, what's wrong?"

Han Yichu felt that Huang Qingwu was not right.

Huang Qingwu intentionally said in a hoarse tone: "Do people love you~"

With such a voice, Han Yichu couldn't even hear that Huang Qingwu was crying. This kind of voice made Han Yichu's enthusiasm stronger and stronger.

Finally, it was Huang Qingwu who couldn't open his eyes when he was tired.

After the passion, Han Yichu fell asleep holding Huang Qingwu satisfied.

But after Huang Qingwu regained his strength, he calmly opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling.

She can't think of nothing, she has to adjust her emotions.

Huang Qingwu was very calm and her expression was very light. She gently removed Han Yichu's hand and put on her pajamas and went downstairs to the living room.

The living room lights are off.

Because this villa is a wedding night between her and Han Yichu, everyone can't bother to know it.

After drinking a few glasses of water in the living room, Huang Qingwu calmed himself down.

But the pain in her heart couldn't be resolved at all. She felt almost choked.

She wanted to cry, but she couldn't cry.

At that time, before she hypnotized, her tears seemed to dry up.

Before hypnosis, she thought that she would leave Han Yichu completely and would forget him completely.

Unexpectedly, he will appear in front of her again, let her fall in love again.

And reminded her of the memories in the past, but forgot the modern memories.

It's really ironic.

Although Han Yichu is really good to her now, but her memory is chaotic, she can't tell what is real and what is fake.

Huang Qingwu thought about it, she had a terrible headache, and she began to look for wine.

She is not an alcoholic, nor does she like drinking.

But tonight, she just wants to drink alcohol, maybe drinking alcohol can numb herself, so that she doesn't have to think about it again.

But what she didn't know was that it was even more sorrowful to drink alcohol to sorrow.

Drinking and drinking, Huang Qingwu cried a lot.

She kept thinking, why? why?

Huang Qingwu didn't know how much wine she drank. Today she left a lot of wine, she was drinking it in a bottle.

As the first lady of the Black Dragon Party, drinking is trained, and she doesn't think she will be drunk.

Han Yichu was originally sleeping, and did not know if he had dreamed something. Suddenly he felt empty of heart, and he woke up suddenly.

But after awakening, he looked at no one beside him, and Han Yichu's face changed a lot, his face followed a white.

"Dancing, Dancing..."

Han Yichu kept shouting Huang Qingwu's name, his voice was full of confusion, he felt his heart stopped beating.

On that day, when he woke up and couldn't see Huang Qingwu's figure again, how crazy he was. He still remembered the feeling.

Did Qingwu leave again?

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