When Han Yichu said this sentence, his eyes were mad.

That ray of light is getting darker and deeper, like a vortex, all people are involved.

Huang Qingwu watched this kind of light, and his heart trembles.

She felt like Han Yichu was crazy, and she knew that he would definitely do it.

At this time, Huang Qingwu had a feeling of wanting to escape. She really had to escape from Han Yichu, who was about to leave just now.

But Han Yichu seemed to know what Huang Qingwu thought, "Dancing, don't drive me crazy, I love you, don't let me hurt you when I love you."

Han Yichu is really afraid of deep love, which will hurt Qingwu.

"Why are you doing this to me, why are you doing this to me..."

Huang Qingwu beat Han Yichu's chest.

Han Yichu held her tenderly and allowed her to fight. He tried to relax his body, fearing that Huang Qingwu would use too much force to hurt her hand.

"Why? Qingwu, you are my wife, my lover, why do you say me? I said, you can't leave me, you promised, I don't allow you to eat, don't allow, you are mine , Don't try to escape..."

"You can't do this to me."

"As long as you don't leave, stay by my side, whatever is possible."

Han Yichu said he was overbearing, but his eyes were tender and gentle. He bowed his head and gently kissed Huang Qingwu's heart.

At this moment, he really wanted to love the Emperor Qingwu fiercely. She didn't have the strength to love her, so he couldn't do without him.

But he was trying to restrain himself, he was afraid he would hurt Qingwu.

Because he can't control it well.

He is in a bad mood now, and he will certainly not control his strength.

Huang Qingwu was really tired and had no energy, so he could only lean on Han Yichu's arms like this, and wept silently.

Han Yichu gently wiped her tears, accompanied her silently, and accompanied her to vent her emotions.

He waited patiently for the Emperor Qingwu to speak his heart.

"Han Yichu."

Huang Qingwu was called him by name and surname, Han Yichu felt stingy in his heart, but as long as Huang Qingwu didn't leave, he could accept whatever he called.

"Qingwu, I'm listening, listening, what do you want to say, say it, if you're dissatisfied you can vent..."

Huang Qingwu took a deep breath and said: "I remembered all my memories, remembered..."

Although Han Yichu made psychological preparations, Huang Qingwu suddenly said that his body was still shaking, did he really remember it?

Although Han Yichu knew that it might be related to this, he was still shocked.

He didn't know how to face Huang Qingwu, he didn't know how to explain things at that time, "Dancing, I... I..."

"You don't need to explain, I know that you love Helianman at that time."

"No, I don’t know why this is so, dancing, I love you in the past, and I love you now, I don’t know why I was with Helianman at the time, I know I’m sorry for you, But I love you now. I love you very much. What you can feel... Dancing, let’s get started, okay, don’t torture each other, OK?"

Huang Qingwu took a deep breath, and her tears fell down. "At the beginning, I was tired. I couldn't assume that nothing happened at the beginning. My mind is full of memories of that time. Do you know? I have hypnotized, I really want to forget you."

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