Han Yichu was worried, so he did not dare to sleep or close his eyes. He looked at Huang Qingwu like this, with too much worry in his eyes. It was a feeling of suffering.

Han Yichu looked at Huang Qingwu like this until dawn the next day.

Huang Qingwu slept deeply this time, and there were not too many scenes in her mind. Most of them were sweet pasts of Han Yichu, so when she fell asleep, she was still very quiet.

When Emperor Qingwu woke up, she saw Han Yichu by the bed, she was really stunned for a while.

It was really like Han Yichu, which made her almost unrecognizable.

His expression was haggard, with dark circles in his eyes, and the light under his eyes was so sad, as if with a sense of fear.

Such Han Yichu, so distressed that Huang Qingwu had no reason, his heart shivered suddenly.

Huang Qingwu pursed his lips and wanted to say something, but he couldn't speak awkwardly.

Han Yichu watched Huang Qingwu wake up and hugged her in her arms again, holding her tightly without speaking.

The two were silent.

Huang Qingwu just woke up and was a little confused, so she leaned on Han Yichu's arms and didn't speak.

She actually smelled Han Yichu's breath with some greed.

It was her familiar taste, and the smell he loved her last night.

Han Yichu wanted to say something, his throat moved, and his heart jumped out of his throat, but he still didn't say it.

At this time Huang Qingwu was very quiet, he was afraid to stimulate her.

Han Yichu said in silence: "Dancing, do you still have a headache? Or should I prepare a sober soup for you."

After talking, Han Yichu's heart was carefully carried, he was waiting for the emperor Qingwu to answer.

He was afraid that Huang Qingwu would say leave, and say indifferent words.

Han Yichu's heart is tense.

Huang Qingwu's head rested in Han Yichu's arms, and he could feel the strangeness of his heartbeat.

After a night's sleep, Huang Qingwu's heart is now much calmer, not as chaotic and crazy as last night.

After all, she was still soft-hearted. She pursed her lips and said, "I don't want to drink sober soup, I'm fine."

Hearing Huang Qingwu's willingness to talk to him so calmly, Han Yichu was slightly relieved. He whispered softly and said: "So what do you want to eat and drink, will I do well?"

Han Yichu slightly loosened his embrace of Huang Qingwu, but also surrounded her, fearing she would leave.

Huang Qingwu shook his head, "I don't want to eat anything."

She really has no appetite.

Han Yichu's throat became dry and hesitated and said: "Did you not want to eat? Are you still angry with me?"

Huang Qingwu silently said: "You let me calm down first."

Han Yichu didn't speak or leave the room, just watching Huang Qingwu.

Huang Qingwu rubbed her hair and said: "I'm messy now. You calm me down. I want to stay alone."

"Dancing, I can't leave you alone. If you are angry, you can be angry with me."

Huang Qingwu looked at Han Yichu like this, completely different from him before.

When he liked Helianman at that time, he was really indifferent to her, and it was easy to ignore her.

Whatever it is now, he is in her eyes.

She can feel Han Yichu's affection now, but she also needs to adjust her mood.

Huang Qingwu took a deep breath and said, "Han Yichu, if I want to leave, you can't stop it. When I send a signal, someone will pick me up. I don't want to see you. You can't see me in any way. ."

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