Han Yichu now remembers that many memories with Helianman are actually vague.

He can't remember clearly, nor can he remember some feelings at that time.

He didn't understand why he was with Helianman at the beginning.

He knew that he had been with Helianman together. This is a fact. He couldn't make the Emperor Qingwu dance to relieve the mustache.

Perhaps the most important thing is not this, but when he later danced with Huang Qing, he didn't forget Helian Man, and later hurt Qing Wu's heart.

He wished he could come back and wake himself up.

But time cannot go backwards.

He could feel that maybe there would be no memory, but he was still tempted to dance, otherwise he would not pull her to get the certificate impulsively.

Perhaps subconsciously, he just wanted to dance with him at that time!

But men sometimes can't really distinguish their own hearts, and they don't know where their true feelings are.

Maybe in some things, he can really understand.

Huang Qingwu listened to Han Yichu's words, and his cold heart felt a little bit better.

In fact, women just want to hear what love says.

Maybe if she said she was in love, her heart would be warmer.

In Han Yichu's words, Huang Qingwu is actually willing to listen, but she doesn't want to believe, "You lied to me, you weren't willing to touch me at the beginning, and were often impatient with me, you still..."

Listening to the fall of Huang Qingwu, Han Yichu only knew how much damage he had caused to Huang Qingwu.

Han Yichu took Huang Qingwu's hand and thumped his chest constantly, "Qingwu, you beat me up, beat me up..."

Huang Qingwu struggled to get her hand back, but Han Yichu was so strong that she really took the hand to fight.

"Don't do this..."

Han Yichu hugged Huang Qingwu, "We have a lot of time in the future, I listen to what you say, just don't leave, okay? Let me make up."

Han Yichu touched Huang Qingwu's hair, "Dancing, don't torture yourself, don't torture me, okay? Can't you eat breakfast, I'll do it well, it's your favorite."

Han Yichu lowered his tone and held Huang Qingwu, and kept talking and coaxing.

Huang Qingwu looked indifferent and indifferent.

Han Yichu bowed his head and kissed Han Yichu's lips. "Dancing, maybe you already have our baby in your stomach. Do you have the heart to treat him like this? In the dust, don't you most want to have a baby?"

Huang Qingwu was shocked, boy?

She looked in a trance, in the dust, because it was in the flames of war, she wanted a child, but at that time she was not too dared, for fear that he could not be protected.

But now, this is an era of peace.

And last night Han Yichu worked so hard, maybe she and Han Yichu really had children.

Huang Qingwu's heart softened at once, she didn't know what to do?

Han Yichu watched Huang Qingwu's expression softening, "Dancing, believe me, do you believe this time, I really won't hurt again, let the past be good?"

"I know you can't calm down now, I will give you time, just don't let me not find it."

Huang Qingwu's eyelashes twitched slightly. Looking at Han Yichu, she was the one she loved, and she was reluctant to see him in pain.

"You and Helian Man, you treat her..."

"Really there is no love. I'm pretty sure I love you in my heart. Dancing, I won't lie to you. If I don't love, I won't suffer like this. I won't be so afraid of you leaving."

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