Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4801: The Wind Chime of Memory (77)

Huang Qingwu wanted to go inside to see, but Han Yichu actually wanted to hold her and prevent her from coming in.

Because he always felt that something had to be revealed.

Perhaps it is related to some things recorded in the Han family tree.

Han and Nan Xuanguo are connected, so he can feel that his acquaintance and love with Huang Qingwu are actually connected.

It seems that he should have met Huang Qingwu.

"Dancing, are you tired, or should we find another place to rest?"

Han Yichu gently persuaded Huang Qingwu to dance.

Recently, Han Yichu always talked carefully with Huang Qingwu quietly, for fear that a loud voice would disturb her.

Huang Qingwu shook his head, "I want to go over and see, I always feel that something is attracting me to go over, if you don't want to go over, I will go by myself."

Han Yichu's mouth twitched with a bitter arc, how could he let him dance alone, he naturally accompanied her well.

Because this place is already in ruins, when Huang Qingwu walked, he had to cross some rocks.

Han Yichu watched nervously, fearing that the Emperor would fall and fall.

The doctor said that the first three months must pay more attention and take care of her carefully.

Han Yichu remembered all the matters needing attention in his mind.

Han Yichu followed Huang Qingwu and walked around the seat.

Huang Qingwu couldn't help but stretch his hand to touch the seat.

There was a light and shadow in her mind, and her expression followed closely, "This should be the dragon chair that the last generation of the Emperor Xuanguo sat on."

"How did you know?"

Huang Qingwu smiled, "I feel, I always feel as if I have seen it, I have seen a distinguished and handsome man in an imperial suit, sitting on this, I may have seen it from a distance."

Han Yichu moved his heart, which reminded him of what he said when he saw Huang Qingwu's father before.

The father said that he was meant to be with Dancing.

"Is the emperor?"

Emperor Qingwu danced a lot of light and shadow in his mind, as if walking through time and space at once, and saw the scene of that era.

And here should not be a ruin, but a grand palace.

Nanxuan Kingdom was once a very prosperous country.

Huang Qingwu grabbed Han Yichu's arm, "Yichu, did you feel it? Did you see it? A different scene!"

"What's the different scene?"

Huang Qingwu grabbed Han Yichu's arm with a force, and a drop of blood fell on the chair.

Then the two of them seemed to travel to the historical kingdom of Nanxuan Kingdom, and they watched a palace fight again.

The last generation of emperors of Nanxuan Kingdom was Huangfusen, and his queen was the Oriental Dream.

But because of the three thousand beauties in the harem, Oriental Dream was eventually killed by another woman.

Huang Qingwu looked at that scene, and his heartache was so bad that he would spur blood out.

Han Yichu stared blankly, many, many memories, many, many lights and shadows flashed through his mind at once.

He seemed to remember many things.

Huang Fusen is him!

Oriental Dream should be just dancing!

He finally found his love, but the Oriental Dreams had all passed away, and he was looking for the Dragon Vein Shenzhu to find the Oriental Dreams.

He finally remembered all his past with Meng'er.

In that life, he was Huang Fusen, and she was an oriental dream.

When there was the Republic of China, he changed a lot of things, allowing Qingwu to travel through time and space and enter the Republic of China period with dreams. He and her truly met and fell in love.

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