Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4803: The Wind Chime of Memory (79)

Han Yichu watched Huang Qingwu without blinking, maybe he couldn't believe what he heard.

How important it is for Han Yichu not to leave these three words makes his heart stop beating at this moment.

Han Yichu also had a deep red light in his eyes.

Huang Qingwu reached out and gently touched Han Yichu's eyebrows.

This person is someone she has always loved.

I remember when she was an oriental dream, she loved Huang Fusen very much.

But she didn't dare to demand too much.

At that time she was thinking, he can accompany her as long as possible, just talk to her as much as possible.

At that time she didn't dare to have jealous thoughts when other women appeared beside him.

At that time, she felt that love was all he loved.

As a queen, she also had to be generous and had to set an example in the world of motherhood.

She has many things to do, all because of love, but dare not greedy too many demands.

At that time, she would never have thought that one day, even if it was a world away, she could have all his body and mind and love.

So, what else is she greedy for?

She will not forget her mood as an oriental dream, so at this time, she should cherish it.

Compared to Oriental Dream, she got too much.

Huang Qingwu's eyes were filled with tears, and he continued to say word by word: "At the beginning, you heard correctly, I mean I will not leave, we go home, I miss home, I want to return to our home, I I still want to eat your cooking, I still want you to hug and sleep..."

Huang Qingwu said with tears, and he could not cry at the back.

Although Han Yichu didn't understand why Huang Qingwu became like this at once, he was completely afraid that he was different from what he thought.

But he was really touched and excited.

Han Yichu couldn't help it anymore, he couldn't help but bowed his head to kiss the tears of Huang Qingwu, and then kissed her lips deeply.

This time, Huang Qingwu also tried to tiptoe, hugged Han Yichu, and tried to respond to him.

It seems to be trying to express inner feelings in this way.

The two kissed for a long, long time until they couldn't breathe before letting go of each other reluctantly.

But Han Yichu still hugged Huang Qingwu firmly, and there was a little tear in the corner of his eyes, which was the emotion of excitement and satisfaction.

I was terrified in my heart. I didn't expect it to be another village of Liu Anhuaming.

Han Yichu felt that his heart was falling.

He gently stroked Huang Qingwu's hair. There were too many emotions in his heart to express, too much to say, but he didn't know how to speak.

"Qingwu, I used to be bad. I will treat you well in the future, trust me."

"I believe in you. I used to have bad things before. Was you so tired during this time? Are you tired?"

Han Yichu looked at Huang Qingwu's worried expression and kissed her eyes lovingly, "For you, not tired, as long as you are by your side, your heart is content."

Han Yichu really loves to dance, so he puts his heart low and has a very humble feeling.

Han Yichu looked around and shook Huang Qingwu's hand: "Let's go home, make you the meal you want to eat, hold you to sleep..."

Han Yichu said what Huang Qingwu just said. As long as she thought, he would do it.

Huang Qingwu looked at the hand held by Han Yichu and had a warm and down-to-earth feeling.

It’s still a good time. When she was in Nanxuan Kingdom, she thought if Huang Fusen could take her hand and walk around the Yu Garden one day.

Unexpectedly in this life, he took her hand like this, holding it tightly, without letting go.

Huang Qingwu watched and watched, with a sweet smile at the corner of his mouth.

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