Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4819: The Wind Chime of Memories (95)

Huang Qingdie replied instinctively, never thought that it would be right, and did not know to be reserved.

In front of Ying Qianxi, she can't hide anything, her mind can't hide, especially simple.

Others in the dorm sighed with their heads covered.

On weekdays, this girl is smart like what, how to meet love, so silly in front of the person you like.

"This silly girl!"

"I hope Ying Qianxi can cherish and treat her well."

"You said which girl was not reserved when she first fell in love. She intentionally made the boys wait. She... has a headache..."

"Don't worry anymore. Maybe Ying Qianxi has seen all kinds of scheming girls, and she likes the pure Huang Qingdie. This is called one thing falling. One thing might be that Huang Qingdie attracts Ying Qianxi. "



Huang Qingdie's thoughts were on Ying Qianxi, carefully listening to the voice on the opposite side of the mobile phone, and did not notice the roommates' conversation at all.

Anyway, she received a call from Ying Qianxi, and her heart jumped out, very happy and excited.

She was waiting for Ying Qianxi to contact her in the morning!

Ying Qianxi can imagine Huang Qingdie on the phone.

This girl is sometimes irritable and can't help worrying.

Ying Qianxi couldn't help worrying, and asked, "I haven't arrived yet, slow down, don't worry, don't fall..."

"Ok, I know."

Hearing that Ying Qianxi hadn't arrived yet, Huang Qingdie was not so anxious, she would just go downstairs slowly.

What she didn't know was that Sakura Qianxi had already arrived downstairs in her dormitory, but she didn't want to make her anxious.

Although Sakura Chiaki retired from the entertainment industry, his face is still a live sign, so handsome, and noble temperament can't hide it.

Even in the most ordinary clothes, he is so extraordinary, noble and elegant.

He stood there, the most touching scenery.

Ying Qianxi also wore a hat and a mask.

He felt that it would take a few months before the fans' attention could be diverted elsewhere.

But he was wearing a black mask and a hat, plus his good figure and beautiful eyes, it was still easy to pay attention to.

Many girls walked by the door of the dormitory building and couldn't help but glance at him.

Everyone also discussed whether a star was coming.

"Look, is that a star?"

"I think although he wears a hat and a mask, he has a better temperament than a star."

"With those eyes, it feels like they will discharge, and they are particularly charming. When he looks at him, I feel my heart beating faster."

"Is there such a handsome person in our school? It can be seen just by looking at the eyes and temperament, and the long ones must look good."

"I don't know who is waiting, which girl?"


No matter what everyone talks about, Ying Qianxi's determination is full, he is waiting patiently for Huang Qingdie, even squinting.

The direction he looked at was at the door of the dormitory building.

Many girls feel that they are being glanced at, because they have just come out of the doorway, and Sakura Sakura is looking at the direction of the doorway.

At this time, Huang Qingdie walked out wearing a yellow skirt, especially cute, running like a beautiful butterfly.

When Yingqianxi saw Huang Qingdie, her brows all smiled, just eyes, so charming.

As if the flowers are blooming brightly.

Just looking at the eyes, you can turn off the electricity.

Ying Qianxi rarely laughs on weekdays, but he really laughs, that is really nice and charming.

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