Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4821: The Wind Chime of Memories (97)

Huang Qingdie leaned back in Ying Qianxi's arms, and she couldn't help hearing people's discussions.

She suddenly recovered, realizing that it was still in front of the dormitory building where people were coming and going. She blushed and hurried back to calm. She came out of Sakura Qianxi's arms and took his hand and ran away.

Huang Qingdie didn't realize that she took the initiative to take Ying Qianxi's hand and ran.

Ying Qianxi looked at the hand held by Huang Qingdie, smiled gently, and ran with Huang Qingdie.

He ran with the rhythm of Huang Qingdie. He seemed to be enjoying the process.

He ran as if he had returned to his youth.

It turned out that there was a feeling of physical and mental well-being when running.

Ying Qianxi feels that her heart has regained her youthful vitality.

After Huang Qingdie pulled Yingqianxi to the grove of the school pavilion, she stopped and gasped violently.

"Ah, I haven't ran like this for a long time."

Huang Qingdie said that she wanted to laugh, but after running for a while, she was in a good mood.

After she finished talking, she realized that she was still holding Sakura Qianxi's hand.

She also realized that she had just taken the initiative to pull Sakura Chisei's hand.

Huang Qingdie's smile suddenly stiffened on his face, feeling his hands were hot.

Her heart jumped for a moment, her fingers stiffened, and she didn't know whether to let go or continue to hold.

Ying Qianxi had patiently listened to Huang Qingdie continue to say that he wanted to see her bright smile, her smile is brighter than the sun, can illuminate people's hearts.

But suddenly Huang Qingdie stopped talking and looked down at the hands they were holding.

Ying Qianxi's expression moved, then took the initiative to hold Huang Qingdie's hand, and then gently pulled down, holding Huang Qingdie in his arms.

He pulled down the mask and directly bowed his head and gently kissed the lips of Huang Qingdie.

Although he wanted to slow down, there were some things that he couldn't help himself.

This is what he wants.

Huang Qingdie was stunned, but her heartbeat was accelerated. She closed her eyes instinctively and immersed in the kiss.

Sakura Qianxi wanted to go deeper, but after all he was reasonably restrained.

He let go of Huang Qingdie slowly, just holding her.

Huang Qingdie slowly opened her eyes when she felt the kiss was over. She leaned a little shyly in Ying Qianxi's arms and gasped gently, not knowing what to say or what to do.

Ying Qianxi patted Huang Qingdie's back gently to help her smooth her breath.

No one spoke.

After Huang Qingdie's breathing was steady and steady, Yingqianxi said, "Go for lunch!"

Although Huang Qingdie's breathing was stable at this time, her heartbeat was still accelerating. She nodded, and she was not embarrassed to look up at Ying Qianxi.

But she really likes this kiss.

So beautiful, it is a sweet feeling, the whole body is like electric shock.

Ying Qianxi knew that Huang Qingdie needed time to get used to it. He wouldn't talk about these topics on purpose, he just took her hand out of campus.

There are many changes in Huang Qingdie's mood, and she feels that she feels more intimate towards Sakura Chiaki since having a kiss.

She has a feeling that Ying Qianxi is her own.

Holding hands will not feel unnatural, it seems that the relationship has risen to a level at once.

Walking and walking, Huang Qingdie looked up to see Ying Qianxi. At this time, she would not be embarrassed anymore.

Ying Qianxi looked down at Huang Qingdie, "What's wrong?"

Huang Qingdie shook her head, took a deep breath, and summoned the courage to say: "Sakura Qianxi, am I your girlfriend, right?"

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