Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4833: The most is the flying flower on earth (9)

Lin Weiyue looked at Ye Xueluo's repulsion of the princess, so she could only take care of him and then leave.

Lin Weiyue also went to see a doctor for Ye Xueluo, but later it could not be completely cured.

She began to search for miracle doctors across the country.

But on the grounds of seeing her for treatment.

Lin Weiyue also began to see various medical techniques.

When she was in modern times, she was actually born in a medical family and would also perform surgery, but because she didn't study this major when she was in college, many of them left.

But at this time, in order to really cure Ye Xueluo, she began to write notes all night and study medicine.

She wrote everything she could remember, and then began to study how to treat Ye Xueluo's body.

Lin Weiyue stopped for a long time, so that everyone in the princess palace was not used to it.

Everyone thought the princess was so stupid that she didn't go out now.

As in the past, the princess would look for the concubine every day.

Or stick to the pony, where the pony goes, the princess will follow.

Lin Weiyue knew that Ye Xueluo could not see it, and Ye Xueluo was very repulsive to her princess, so she dressed as a maid, changed her makeup, and changed her voice to come to Ye Xueluo's house.

She said she was a new maid called Qiu'er.

In order to better treat Ye Xueluo, Lin Weiyue stayed in Ye Xueluo's yard as Qiu Er, taking care of his daily life and taking medicine.

She is taking care of this person in person, and she wants to treat him well.

Such a handsome man with wisdom and arrogance and arrogance should not be tortured in this way.


In the yard

Green Mark and Beiming Qinghanhui reported: "Master, the princess has locked herself in the room during this time and has not come out."

Beiming Qinghan's eyes flashed a glare, "Got it, keep staring, don't let her hurt her."

"Yes, my subordinates understand."

After the green mark went down, Beiming Qinghan looked at the chessboard in his hand and was a little fascinated.

Did you really change your temper?

Or is she studying how to hurt others again?

On this day, Lin Weiyue wore simple clothes and went out to the pharmacy.

When she takes care of Ye Xueluo's body, she still needs a few medicines.

When Lin Weiyue was going to the princess palace with herbs, she felt hit by someone.

Lin Weiyue's instinctive reaction is, thief?

Thief of this era.

Lin Weiyue was also a bit skilled. She turned around, tipped her toes, ran across the air one by one, and grabbed a child in front of her, "You are not good at learning at young age, say, why steal things?"

"I didn't, I didn't..."

"So what is this?"


At the same time, two people sat on the second floor of the opposite teahouse.

"Qing Han, then... isn't that your princess? The speed you just ran, and... and this skill... I didn't see her move, how did she know that she was the one who stole her purse, And how did she move, the money bag was in her hands... And, how did she become beautiful, no longer the same as before..."

My friend was chatting there, and Beiming Qinghan was surprised to see Lin Weiyue below.

Can a person change so much after jumping a river?

"You said she came to you?"

"No, she has herbs in her hand."

"Ah, it might be that she really likes her face, I heard that it was because he was treated for his body, this princess is looking for a magician in a national reward."

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