Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4836: The most is the flying flower on earth (12)

Lin Weiyue is actually willing to talk to Ye Xueluo.

Ye Xueluo had a quiet breath, which made her very calm.

In fact, she came to the world in this book, and her heart was very painful and confused.

She really thought about going back every moment, and she used many methods to kill herself, no matter what.

She has no sense of destination for this era.

And there is not even one person who speaks. She can't talk to the people around her casually, and she will be exposed.

This made her feel like duckweed herself, her heart was empty.

There is no mobile phone, no computer, even the sound of movies and TV shows.

Very empty.

Sometimes she lay in bed and looked at the moonlight, because homesick could not help but want to cry.

But the night snow falls in this world.

Because Ye Xue took care of him and wanted to cure him, she felt needed.

She felt that she was still valuable in this world.

This allows her to find a sense of existence, so that she can live a step-by-step life without thinking about tossing things.

And she found that many words she said, Ye Xueluo was listening quietly.

She was strange to him, so she said strange things, and he would not be confused.

Lin Weiyue felt she still had someone to talk to.

She didn't know that she loved to say so before, but she could really say a lot in the face of falling snow.

In fact, she sometimes feels that she is talking to herself, but when she looks back, she will see many expressions of Ye Xueluo, letting her know that he is actually listening to her and thinking.

She actually thought that Ye Xueluo could communicate with her and talk to her.

But she also knew that Ye Xueluo might have been stimulated in her heart, and it was normal for her not to speak.

But today he spoke, she was really happy and happy.

And he called her Qiu'er, and he didn't know why. From his mouth, he felt so nice.

In fact, in modern times, when she was brought up by her grandmother when she was a child, there is a nickname Qiu'er.

She really missed this title and liked it.

Ye Xueluo was silent for a while: "Qiu'er is the maid of the princess's palace? Will she stay in the princess's palace?"

"No, I know how to heal, so I come into the house to take care of you, and I will leave when you are well."

Speaking of leaving, Lin Weiyue is actually sad.

Because one day after the snow fell, she would definitely leave the Princess Palace, she could not follow the night snow!

And one day, when his eyes are gone, he will know that she is a princess.

No matter how good it is, it will be discovered.

"Will Qiuer be embarrassed by the princess?"

Lin Weiyue froze, "That princess is okay, she is actually more emotionally persistent, and...not so bad..."

Lin Weiyue's face was a little red when he said this.

Is she saying good things to herself?

Fortunately, Ye Xueluo couldn't see her expression at this time. She knew that she blushed and had a hot feeling.

"If the princess embarrasses you, Qiuer, I will take you away."

Because Lin Xueyue suddenly said this, Lin Weiyue was startled, but for a moment, there was a lot of warmth and emotion in her heart.

She really wanted to leave the princess palace just like Ye Xueluo.

But if you really want to leave the princess palace, will the father and mother agree?

Will it be difficult for the night to fall?

Lin Weiyue knows that the love of her father and empress for her body is too indulgent and paranoid.

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