Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4842: The most is the flying flower on earth (18)

When Ye Xueluo stood up, Lin Weiyue rarely stood so close to him.

Now that she leans so close to Ye Xue, she can feel the elegant breath of Ye Xue Luo.

Also, she found that Ye Xueluo was really high, and she felt nervous at this time, smelling Ye Xueluo's breath, and she didn't know what to say and what to do.

Lin Weiyue couldn't help but feel close to Ye Xueluo, close to his arms.

She felt that this embrace would be warm and safe.

I don't know why, she just feels that Ye Xueluo has a particularly safe breath.

Especially this sentence that Ye Xueluo just made her really palpitated.

The heart is beating very quickly, very quickly.

In the modern days, Lin Weiyue had never been in love, so she was really a little dazed.

She also wanted Ye Xueluo to look at her.

She looked up at Ye Xueluo, his eyes were really beautiful and beautiful, and it made people feel easily moved at a glance.

She was thinking, if Ye Xueluo can really see it, those eyes must be more charming.

She actually wanted to see her own figure in these eyes, only her figure.

However, she is a princess. She is not Qiu'er, but Lin Weiyue.

Can Ye Xueluo accept it?

Lin Weiyue was tense and sour in her heart. She pursed her lips. She really didn't know what to say, did she want to speak? Still not talking?

However, Ye Xuexue's legs are not good now, and her eyes are not good. What if she said that he was irritated? What if he stopped receiving treatment?

What do you think she deceived him?

She was afraid that the warmth in Ye Xueluo's heart would disappear.

All Lin Weiyue's ideas are actually thinking about Ye Xue.

She felt that maybe she didn't know when, she fell in love with Ye Xueluo and relied on Ye Xueluo.

And Ye Xueluo's palm is very warm, as if it can be warm to the depth of her heart.

Lin Weiyue is really greedy.

I want to get close to Yexueluo and get closer.

She knew that Ye Xue fell well, thinking about it, Lin Weiyue's nose was sore.

After Ye Xueluo said that, Lin Weiyue hadn't said anything. Ye Xueluo couldn't see her expression and didn't know what she thought. So he asked with some concern: "Qiu'er, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Weiyue heard Ye Xueluo's clear voice, fluttering her ears, like feathers, making her heart beat quickly. Lin Weiyue suppressed the emotion in her heart and tried to laugh, "No, Xueluo, I also want you to see it, you can see me, your poison will be cleared soon, and you will see it when the time comes I am."

Ye Xueluo listened to Lin Weiyue's voice and smiled gently, reaching for Lin Weiyue's hair.

Lin Weiyue looked up at him and thought they were all insane.

He smiled really good-looking, as if the world was full of beauty, like a charming generation, weeping blood and beauty.

It turns out that in this world, there really is a person who can touch people with a smile.

Ye Xueluo is such a person.

No wonder, the predecessor must rob him into the house!

"it is good."

The expression on Lin Weiyue's face moved, "If... I mean, snow falls, if I'm not what you think, would you be strange?"

"What's Qiuer worried about?"

Lin Weiyue pursed her lips and said, "Xue Luo, what do I look like in your heart? I... I may not be what you think."

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