Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4854: The most is the flying flower on earth (30)

At this time, Beiming Qinghan is completely convinced that the princess is really ready to leave.

What she said in the pavilion was also serious.

"Master, really let the princess leave?"

Beiming Qinghan calmly and calmly said: "She is a princess, and she wants to decide what she wants, or the emperor and the queen agree."

Bizhen didn't know what Master meant.

But when he looked at Shizi so calmly, should he think that the princess would not leave the princess palace?

He found that Shizi had paid more attention to the princess without knowing when it started!

Even with his subordinates, it almost became the existence of the protection princess.

The next day, Lin Weiyue took the luggage happily and prepared the carriage to leave.

She passed by a road and saw Beiming Qinghan coming back from outside.

She smiled provocatively at Beiming Qinghan and waved her hand: "Goodbye, Shizi."

Lin Weiyue was very happy and chic, and all smiled very cheerfully.

Beiming Qinghan looked at her deeply, with a deep and complex light in her eyes.

He didn't speak, so he turned and looked at Lin Weiyue's back.

Before Lin Weiyue reached the gate, someone in the palace came to report that the emperor wanted the princess to enter the palace.

"The father emperor asked me to enter the palace?"

Lin Weiyue's eyes widened in surprise. Why did her father and emperor let her into the palace when she was leaving the house?

"Yes, the emperor said so to the minions, the sedan was ready."

Lin Weiyue patted his head and said to the maid beside her: "You wait for me first, I will go to the palace once and come back soon."

Lin Weiyue followed the sedan chair and entered the palace.

She didn't realize that when she left, Beiming Qinghan's mouth twitched a faint smile.

After entering the palace, Lin Weiyue was told by the emperor, all kinds of avenues, that is, Lin Weiyue and Beiming Qinghan were not separated.

After all, for the emperor, Beiming Qinghan was the king of Ding'an, the king of the opposite sex, and he had a heavy soldier in his hand.

The emperor is more at ease if she is with the princess.

Moreover, this matter was indeed the princess's life and death, crying, making trouble, hanging up with Beiming Qinghan.

Now, the princess has to separate again, where to put King Ding's face.

The emperor disagrees.

Lin Weiyue was useless for a long time.

Later, the emperor took out the guarantee written by his predecessor, which was written by the predecessor in order to marry Beiming Qinghan.

Lin Weiyue wanted to cry without tears.

Lin Weiyue went back to the house listlessly, and then walked angrily towards the Beiming Qinghan yard.

She didn't find that the yard she couldn't get close to before, but now she is unobstructed and nobody is blocking her.

"Beiming Qinghan, Beiming Qinghan, you come out to me!"

Beiming Qinghan was looking at the zigzag on the table, heard the sound, and looked slightly, "The princess is here!"

Lin Weiyue sat down next to herself, "No, Beiming is cold, I ask you, did you tell the Father the Emperor about us?"

"Princess and such a big thing, I naturally want to tell the emperor."

"Are you deliberate?"

Bei Ming Qinghan looked at Lin Weiyue's vivid eyebrows, especially when he stared at him and bulged his cheeks to see him, it was really cute.

"The princess can be capricious, but the micro minister cannot be capricious."

Lin Weiyue waved his hand, "You call it changing, you just say I'm OK, Wen Zou Zou's, I'm really not used to it, what I want to tell you is, I really want to give you freedom, So you can have your own emotional life."

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