Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4865: The most is the flying flower on earth (41)

Bei Ming Qinghan looked at Lin Weiyue eating like this, and felt that he also had an appetite.

He had never seen a girl so arrogant and so chic as Lin Weiyue.

Watching her eat, you can feel that these are delicious.

Beiming Qinghan's eyes softened a lot, as if two people had forgotten what had just been assassinated.

Beiming Qinghan found that Lin Weiyue had a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere around him, which could make people's hearts calm down so slowly and enjoy the tranquility of this moment.

After Lin Weiyue was full, he picked up the bottle next to it and drank it.

By the time Beibei Qinghan was discovered, Lin Weiyue had drunk it completely.

"You... can't drink..."

Beiming Qinghan didn't know what to say. He looked at Lin Weiyue with his eyes wide open at this time, and he felt helpless.

Who knows she moves so fast!

Lin Weiyue looked at Beiming Qinghan and frowned, "Why, drink some water, you are not happy, really stingy, hum!"

Lin Weiyue was dizzy at this time, and he was instinctive in speaking.

Bei Ming Qinghan rubbed his brow hard, "My princess, this is not water!"

Lin Weiyue shook his head, "I said, why does it taste strange, what did you put on the table, did you mean it on purpose?"

Lin Weiyue opened his eyes wide and looked at Beiming Qinghan deliberately.

As everyone knows, when she was drunk, her face was very red, and her attitude was so cute, and she was very cute. Looking at people with such eyes, it was like coquetry.

Beiming Qinghan held Lin Weiyue's turbulent hands and held her shoulders to prevent her from falling down dizzy.

"Can you hear what I said? That's wine, you are drinking wine..."

Lin Weiyue covered her face and looked at Beiming Qinghan. They all felt that there were several figures. "It's"

"Are you ok?"

"Of course it's good, how are you doing so many times... There are several figures, Sun Wukong, seventy-six changes... No, you are that bad pony, you will kill me... you are cruel..."

Lin Weiyue was really drunk and said various things in her mouth.

Bei Ming Qing Han is a bit unable to understand her vocabulary.

"Puma, pony, don't kill me, don't kill me..."

Beiming Qinghan didn't know why Lin Weiyue would say this, but looking at her pulling her sleeves and constantly acting like a spoiler, he said: "I won't kill you, you are a princess, how can I kill you."

"Just don't kill..."

After a while, Lin Weiyue sang in his throat.

This is the first time Beiming Qinghan heard that Lin Weiyue sang in front of herself.

Before, he had only heard it in the courtyard where Xuexue Luo fell, and that was the sound coming from inside through the wall.

It turned out that Lin Weiyue's singing was really nice.

Lin Weiyue sang while dancing.

She looks really good, very touching, and has a charming look, which is completely different from what she usually looks like.

Bei Ming Qinghan looked, his eyes became deeper.

Suddenly, Lin Weiyue ran over and hugged Beiming Qinghan, "Woo, you are so cruel, don't leave me, don't leave..."

Beiming Qinghan never knew that Lin Weiyue was so helpless when he was drunk and so sticky.

And she hugged very tightly, almost wrapped around people.

Beiming Qinghan wants to take her hand, but Lin Weiyue will hold tighter, "You are bad, you are bad... don't leave..."

Beiming Qinghan really had a headache, but when he looked down, Lin Weiyue even cried. He looked at her and cried. He didn't know why, and his heart suddenly moved.

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