Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4879: The most is the flying flower on earth (55)

Lin Weiyue can now hear his rapid heartbeat.

She was worried whether her heart would jump out of her mouth.

Lin Weiyue was really ignorant, because this was her first kiss, really it was her first kiss.

This feeling is too strong, the breath is entwined.

Lin Weiyue did not know what to do and how to react.

She opened her eyes wide and looked at Beiming Qinghan.

Beiming Qinghan's expression also trance, everything is so free.

It seemed that he was willing to do it and wanted to get closer.

But before waiting for him to take action, Lin Weiyue has hurriedly pushed away Beiming Qinghan.

She jumped a few steps later and then stopped.

There was a little embarrassment in the air, especially quiet.

Lin Weiyue's breathing is fast, a moment.

She breathed hard, but her face was still hot.

Lin Weiyue did not dare to look at Beiming Qinghan's expression at this time.

She didn't even know what to say.

But she felt that she had to say a few words to break this atmosphere.

After all, she has to continue to get along with Beiming Qinghan, go to the Wang Mansion to look for it, and she has to find an expert.

Lin Weiyue took a deep breath, set her mind, and said: "Well, let's eat breakfast, and if you don't eat, it will be cold."


Beiming Qinghan said a word softly, as if the sound came from his throat, making him unable to hear the fluctuation of his voice.

If Lin Weiyue looked up, he would see the complex eyes of Beiming Qinghan with deep and deep emotions, and there were too many emotions in it. One pair can swallow people.

But Lin Weiyue's face was a little hot, and she never looked at Beiming Qinghan's expression. She was afraid of embarrassment.

The two were eating breakfast quietly. Lin Weiyue always felt too quiet and couldn't help thinking of the kiss that wasn't a kiss just now.

Lin Weiyue couldn't help but cough.

When Beiming Qinghan heard her cough, she worriedly asked, "What's wrong? Is it cold?"

Lin Weiyue heard Beiming Qinghan's concern and raised her head. The eyes of the two people looked at each other as if a spark was shining.

Lin Weiyue felt that she had not looked at Beiming Qinghan before, but this time, what happened this time?

She shook her head vigorously, but she didn't realize that because of her emotional instability, she shook her head like a rattle.

Bei Ming Qinghan looked at Lin Weiyue's blush, thinking it was a fever, and couldn't help reaching out to touch her forehead. "Is it a fever?"

Lin Weiyue felt that Beiming Qinghan's hand touched her forehead, and there was a feeling of overcharge.

Ah, she didn’t want to overcharge, but why did she feel overcharged?

Lin Weiyue's entire body tightened, "No... no fever, just a cough, that, when will we come to your house?"

"It's fast, and it will be another one or two days, are you tired?"

Lin Weiyue shook his head, "No, not tired, it's me. It's like this. You know, my princess has been ruined like that. If I go to your house, it's the royal palace. Will everyone welcome?"

"You are a princess, I will take you back, and no one will disrespect you."

"I don't mean that, just... will it be awkward?"

"That's my home, but also yours."

Such a statement from Beiming Qinghan made Lin Weiyue feel that her heart was lifted.

She went to see Beiming Qinghan's look, is he serious?


Lin Weiyue had thought about having a home in this world before, but Ye Xueluo's departure made her dare not think about it.

She feels that she may not be a person in this world after all, she is a modern person.

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