Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4897: The most is the flying flower on earth (73)

The news was sent out, and the forces of all parties also knew that His Royal Highness the Prince of Nancang was dispatched, so many killers were also ready to shoot.

But Ye Xueluo is a master of Master Xuanmiao's extraordinary ability. Naturally, no one can kill if he wants to kill.

And he was in a hurry to rush back to find Lin Weiyue, so the speed was faster along the way, and he showed no mercy when he shot back.

Ye Xueluo showed everything along the way, just like Shura.

Many killers have really seen the abilities of the prince of the Southern Cang Kingdom.

But they knew it was too late. When Ye Xueluo actually shot, it was a killing trick. When they were shocked, they were killed, let alone signaled.

Ye Xueluo's sword is not stained with blood. This is an ancient sword without traces. It is absolutely sharp when killing without blood.

Rivers and lakes even rumored that no one could live as soon as the Wuhen sword came out.

Ye Xuelu thought more about Lin Weiyue along the way.

He was actually worried about Lin Weiyue.

Worried that Ziyanrou's woman would shoot.

If Zi Yanrou shot, how would Beiming Qinghan choose, would Lin Weiyue be injured?

Along the way, Ye Xueluo dared not rest, and her heart was tight.

There is only one idea in his mind, that is to hurry and hurry.


the other side

Along the way, Lin Weiyue was not spirited.

Sitting in the carriage and quieting down, Lin Weiyue couldn't help thinking of the reunion with Ye Xueluo in the green forest peak.

And what Ye Xueluo said.

In fact, before, she really didn't expect to see Ye Xue falling in such a scene.

She didn't expect that she would meet Ye Xueluo again.

She did not expect that Ye Xueluo would apologize to her.

Calm down, she found that her heart was still ups and downs.

Maybe she behaved like a stranger, but she couldn't really treat Ye Xue as a stranger in her heart.

She still remembers it in her mind at that moment, Ye Xue fell to the blood red under her eyes.

It turned out that after he could see clearly, his eyes were so beautiful, with the demeanor of weeping blood, intoxicating, with a flash of light and a charm of his own.

What does he say sorry?

Is he really sorry?

However, she was hurt, her heart hurt, and she didn't want to think about anything else.

Now she will not deceive herself again, to be affectionate.

And she is leaving this era and going back to modern times.

Although Lin Weiyue was spirited along the way, Beiming Qinghan still took good care of her.

Beiming Qinghan carefully considered what Lin Weiyue needed, accompanied her to talk, and explained some local customs to her.

Lin Weiyue knew in his heart that Beiming Qinghan actually did what he could.

She should be grateful.

But people cannot have feelings. Once they have feelings, they will involuntarily demand more from each other.

If she was just a friend, she would be very grateful to her.

But before, she regarded Beiming Qinghan as the existence of more than friends.

So when she tentatively said Ziyanrou, she felt so cold in her heart.

Soon, the group also arrived in the Jiangnan area.

Beiming Qinghan took Lin Weiyue into a house.

Very large and beautiful, with the characteristics of Jiangnan.

The graceful and gentle architecture makes Lin Weiyue feel like she is visiting tourist attractions again.

But modern tourist attractions are not so beautiful here.

She has another urge to draw.

Beiming Qinghan watched her smile and said, "I haven't seen you laugh along the way, and I can see you laugh again, very good."

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