Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4900: The most is the flying flower on earth (76)

Lin Weiyue listened to Zi Yanrou's words, and the water she drank spewed out like this.


Lin Weiyue sprayed water on Zi Yanrou's body.

She looked at Zi Yanrou in shock and looked at her with embarrassment. She was really surprised.

She has seen narcissism, she has never seen such a narcissism.

She choked too, okay!

When Zi Yanrou wanted to be angry, Lin Weiyue hurriedly said: "Cough... that, I just accidentally sprayed it. I didn't pay attention to the water.

Zi Yanrou looked at Lin Weiyue like this, with a normal look, talking and laughing, as if she didn't care what she said at all.

Give her a feeling of fist hitting cotton.

She even has a feeling for cattle playing the piano.

She looked at Lin Weiyue's water spray and thought, it was really rude.

Lin Weiyue looked at Zi Yanrou. Although this woman was wearing a veil, she could guess what her expression was.

This Ziyanrou is totally provocative.

If she really cares about Beiming Qinghan, Zi Yanrou's provocation may be useful to her.

The point is, she has not yet indulged her feelings for Beiming Qinghan.

Since the last temptation, she has tried to calm her heart.

All she had in mind was that she wanted to leave this era, and she wanted to go back to modern times.

There are many, many things in the modern era that are not available in this era. Internet TV mobile phones alone are not in this era.

Being able to play and eat, Lin Weiyue really misses it.

So she really treated Ziyanrou as air.

"Since the princess wants to be free from the cold, why do you still hold him?"

Lin Weiyue frowned, "I said Miss Zi, but I'm a princess. You saw me and talked like this. You are so disrespectful, are you not afraid of me treating your sins?"

Ziyanrou was not afraid of Lin Weiyue at all, "Dare the princess dare? You dare not, and Qinghan will not let you do that."

Lin Weiyue looked at this woman and felt that this woman would be treated well.

She really can't get used to the attitude and tone of speech of Zi Yanrou.

She still remembers what Ye Xueluo told her that this Taifu's granddaughter was nothing like rumors.

I don't know how those words are spread, what is the first talent.

She has to vomit blood, okay?

She really didn't want to spend more time with this woman.

"Ziyanrou, I'm a princess. This palace can do whatever you want. It's still your turn to question. Even the consort can't influence my decision!"

When saying this, Lin Weiyue put the teacup on the table fiercely, and there was a noble momentum in the whole body, directly suppressing Ziyanrou.

At this moment, she really showed the princess's style, how to allow Ziyanrou to ride on her head.

She wanted to kill this woman, too.

And isn't it written in the book? This woman finally usurped power!

Lin Weiyue's eyes really burst out.

Zi Yanrou suddenly said softly: "Princess, Qing Han and I really love each other. He is my fiancé. I didn't want to fight with the princess. I don't know what the boss does. The princess can kill me, but please Princess, don’t be embarrassed..."

With that said, Zi Yanrou would kneel on the ground.

Lin Weiyue knew that Zi Yanrou was acting, and had seen so many Gongdou Zhaidou in modern times, he still couldn't see this little trick.

But she didn't take it out because she had just walked outside the door!

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