Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4903: The most is the flying flower on earth (79)

Lin Weiyue's eyes were cold, he didn't look back at all, and didn't take a word from Beiming Qinghan.

She went straight back to the house. She was tired today and needed a rest.

But she also knows that she will soon return to modern times.

On the street she met an old man who told her.

So she is still in a good mood.

She is not in a hurry to return to the Imperial City, and after a few more days, maybe she will be able to return to modern times.

Beiming Qinghan stood at the same place from beginning to end, so he watched Lin Weiyue leave his line of sight, without looking back or talking.

He couldn't see Lin Weiyue anymore, he stood still.

Beiming Qinghan felt a little bit bored and bitter.

He calmed down and understood that he should not treat Lin Weiyue that way.

He didn't know why he was talking like that.

It seemed to be uncontrolled to her at that moment.

Now Beiming Qinghan even couldn't say even if he wanted to apologize to Lin Weiyue.

Because Lin Weiyue didn't look at him at all, not even one look.

Before thinking about it, Lin Weiyue smiled at him, talked to him, and even cooked.

But now, Beiming Qinghan didn't know how long he had stood there. His eyes were always on Lin Weiyue's courtyard, and the lights in her room were always on.

It took a long time for Beiming Qinghan to turn back.

Back in his house, he couldn't sleep either. He kept thinking about things during the day, and he always felt that there was something wrong, but after a while, Beiming Qinghan couldn't tell.

He had known Ziyanrou for so long. It was because he had received the decree at the beginning. It was right to go to Yanrou, so he could treat her better.

But Lin Weiyue...

Beiming Qinghan could not understand his own clue.

This night, Lin Weiyue thought about going back to modern times and sleeping well.

But Beiming Qinghan thought about things during the day, but insomnia.

In the next few days, Lin Weiyue will go shopping on the streets every day.

She will take a look at the local customs, she will go shopping more, eat a snack here.

She feels that she has to leave this era and enjoy it in this era.

But Lin Weiyue still encountered Zi Yanrou.

Lin Weiyue was really about to vomit. She just ate the snack in her mouth and vomited like this.

"Ziyanrou, I said that you are really appetizing."

"Lin Weiyue, I didn't expect how to send someone to kill you.

Lin Weiyue's eyes narrowed dangerously, "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean, it was me who sent the assassin to kill you before."

Lin Weiyue's eyes glanced at a cool light, "Why do you want to tell me this? You are not afraid of Beiming Qinghan know?"

"Even if he knew, even if there were clues to let him know, he would not doubt me."

Lin Weiyue shook his head, "You are really sick, neurotic."

Zi Yanrou didn't know what Lin Weiyue meant, but she seemed to curse.

Ziyan Judo: "Soon, you will know who Beiqing Qinghan is facing, and I want you to see clearly."

"What do you mean?"

"You will know later."


When Lin Weiyue woke up again, she and Ziyanrou were on the edge of the cliff.

In front of them, the scene of fighting and bloodshed has been arranged.

Lin Weiyue was tied to the side, "Mad, what are you going to do?"

"I said, I will let you see clearly, to whom Beiming Qinghan's heart is going."

Lin Weiyue hated not being able to kick this lunatic directly, "You don't need to let me see clearly, hurry and take your Beiming Qinghan away, let's go!"

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