Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4915: The most is the flying flower on earth (91)

Han Yichu loved children because he and Huang Qingwu's children.

But he loves to dance more. This kind of love is very deep, too deep, he has to work hard to control his emotions.

For example, if Huang Qingwu wants to leave his sight for a while, he can't stand it.

When Huang Qingwu went out, and Lin Weiyue got into the car, through the window glass, he also saw Han Yichu holding the child and stood by the door, looking at her.

She seemed to be abandoned by her.

Huang Qingwu knew that her departure had caused a lot of shadow in Han Yichu's heart.

He was afraid that she would leave him.

So he deliberately hugged his daughter to let her return early.

Huang Qingwu's heart was soft and sweet and warm.

She knew that Han Yichu loved her, and she also loved Han Yichu, how could she leave.

She said it all, not to leave, let alone they still have a daughter.

But Han Yichu always thinks more.

Huang Qingwu rolled the window down and gave Han Yichu a kiss, "I will come back sooner."

Seeing Huang Qingwu talking to him, Han Yi's eyes softened for the first time, and a flash of light flashed through him.

He walked to the side of the car, pressed the window, held the back of Huang Qingwu's head with one hand, and gave her a deep kiss.

Han Yichu didn't even care if Lin Weiyue saw it.

Only his lover was in his sight.

He doesn't care if his daughter can understand it.

Huang Qingwu blushed and said sullenly: "Don't do that."

Han Yichu said dumbly in Huang Qingwu's ear: "Come back early and cook your favorite dishes at night."

"Uh huh."

Lin Weiyue looked at the two people's sweet love, but in fact envied.

In fact, no matter how strong a woman is, she hopes that a loved one can love herself well and can give herself a warm and a home!

She hadn't experienced any love before, so she didn't quite understand the feelings.

But in the ancient world in the book, she had feelings, but it was only a bit sad.

When can she meet her love.

Lin Weiyue thought, his expression trance.

Huang Qingwu drove while holding Lin Weiyue's hand, "Wei Yue, after you wake up this time, the feeling has changed a lot."

Huang Qingwu wanted to comfort Lin Weiyue and didn't know how to comfort.

Lin Weiyue shook his head, "Just thinking of many things."

"How did you get into the hospital? How lively you used to be, now I can see a lot of sadness in your eyes. You are so worried me."

"I don't know how to tell you, it's a long story."

"We will go to the river you said later, and we will talk slowly."

The reason why I went to the river was because Lin Weiyue was comatose in this river, and then returned to the world in the book.

This time Lin Weiyue also brought the book written by Huang Qingwu.

She read the book several times, and once she read it, she couldn't help crying.

Coming to the river, the two sat on the stone bench, Lin Weiyue said with regret, "Qingwu, do you believe that people can pass through?"

Although Huang Qingwu didn't know why Lin Weiyue said so, she still thought of some things she and Han Yichu experienced, and nodded without hesitation, "Naturally, I believe, and Han Yichu and I are actually quite wonderful. "

Lin Weiyue pursed her lips and squeezed the book and said, "Qingwu, do you remember, I told you before, I read your book, I was always in a trance, then I still wanted to make you Changed the name in the book, there is a character name is Lin Weiyue."

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