Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4918: The most is the flying flower on earth (94)

When Lin Weiyue was surrounded by light, the whole person was surprised, how could this be.

This is the ancestral home.

Just when she was weird, there seemed to be a voice in her ear, "Go, that is the age you are going to, someone is waiting for you."

Lin Weiyue wanted to ask something, but before she could speak, she fainted.

When she woke up again, Lin Weiyue's vision was still blurred, but her hearing was much better.

Lin Weiyue was shocked all over her body. This feeling, this feeling, was the same as she felt in the era of the book.

Also, although her sight was blurred, she could also figure it out, and there was a carved pattern beside the bed.

This handicraft is not available in modern times.

"Anyone, anyone?"

Lin Weiyue struggled, touching her hands toward the front, but because she was too excited and too anxious, she fell from the bed.

She fell to the ground entirely.

With a "touch", Lin Weiyue fell directly to the ground, and her head hurt.

There seemed to be a hurried figure hurried over, and then picked her up with a cautious manner.

The breath on his body is very good, but it is a strange breath, not the night of thirteen, who will it be?

When this person hugged her, it seemed a little hard and cautious, as if treating her as a fragile doll, as a treasure.

This feeling made Lin Weiyue not understand why.

"Who are you, where am I?"

This person does not seem to speak, but just grabs Lin Weiyue's hand and writes in her palm.

Lin Weiyue felt a little itchy in her palm, but she really wanted to know the situation, and then quietly felt the words written by the other party.

Feeling with his heart, Lin Weiyue felt that this person's hand must be very beautiful.

Thinking of the beautiful hands, Lin Weiyue thought of Ye Xueluo.

But the breath is different. The fragrance that Xueyue Luo likes to use is different from the person's light fragrance.

Lin Weiyue's eyes flickered, with a touch of bleakness, but now that she has come to this era, she must live well and let her eyes and hearing get better soon.

According to the content written by this person, Lin Weiyue knew that this is the Nang Cang Kingdom.

I remember Ye Xian said that it seemed that Ye Xueluo was what His Royal Highness was in Nang Cang Kingdom.

Lin Weiyue smiled self-deprecatingly, did she want the night snow to fall? Why do you always think of him?

She said, this time, stay alive and keep her heart.

He said he was night thirteen.

Lin Weiyue smiled in her heart. When she couldn't see clearly, didn't she know who he was?

Although this person pretends to be very similar, but the breath is different, but Lin Weiyue does not pierce.

Lin Weiyue could feel that the other party did not harm her heart, so she quietly cooperated with acupuncture to take medicine every day, and then used her heart to feel what the other party said.

Lin Weiyue was taken good care of, and she thought about waking up early and getting better soon.

After more than a month, Lin Weiyue was pricked with acupuncture for the last time, and her vision gradually became clear.

Lin Weiyue saw the night snow fall in sight.

It turned out to be him?

He was the one who took care of her during this time?

But Lin Weiyue really couldn't find it, the breath was completely different.

Lin Weiyue remembered that when she was in the princess's palace, Ye Xue gave her the spice she gave. After he left the princess's palace, he used it differently than the princess's.

She didn't even know.

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