Lin Weiyue did not feel well.

She didn't know why she wanted to think about the day before night when Xuexue left.

But she couldn't help thinking, so she felt a little uncomfortable.

She took it easy, she thought, just take it easy.

Lin Weiyue curled up, thinking of those, her eyes were red.

Only people who have been emotionally hurt know the pain.

Lin Weiyue also hates herself a bit, why is it easy to be soft-hearted.

Lin Weiyue's heart was trembling.

She still remembers that at that time, when Ye Xueluo left the Princess Palace, she cried for a long time.

She has been in pain for a long time.

Suddenly, there was an air of anger in her heart, and she hated it.

But she tried to adjust her emotions.

She told herself that Ye Xueluo took care of her so carefully during this time, but it was actually enough.

Ye Xue fell beside and watched, he could feel Lin Weiyue's sadness.

He could feel the loneliness and coldness in her.

She seemed to have only one person, and she hid herself from her wounds.

He could see that Lin Weiyue was uncomfortable.

Ye Xueluo's heart hurt so badly, he didn't know what to do, what to do to make Wei Yue feel better.

When time does not return to that time, he can only make up and treat her better.

But he didn't know what to do.

Ye Xueluo's eyes were red, and he slowly walked to the bed and sat down, carefully reaching out to hug Lin Weiyue.

"Qiu'er, don't you look like this. I feel pain in your way. You can beat me and scold me, but don't torture yourself, okay? I'll be distressed. At that time, I was bad. I don't know that you are not her, too. I am not right, I should not be impulsive, I should feel it with my heart..."

Ye Xueluo kept talking, confessing his own mistakes.

At that time, it was indeed he who brought Lin Weiyue pain.

Lin Weiyue listened to Ye Xueluo's words, thinking of her pain when he left at that time, she was crying so badly at that time, how much pain in her heart, Ye Xueluo did not know at all.

Lin Weiyue's tears fell uncontrollably and dripped on Ye Xue's shoulders.

Ye Xueluo felt moist and trembling, "Qiu'er, cried..."

Ye Xueluo started to chaotic Lin Weiyue's tears again.

Lin Weiyue smiled faintly, and wiped away his tears, "Look, in front of you, you can't help crying, so you laughed."

Ye Xueluo shook his head in pain, "No, Qiuer, it's me, I know it's the pain I brought you."

Lin Weiyue said lightly: "Yue Xueluo, you didn't know that when I was in the princess palace, I was happy to follow you to visit the north and south of the river, and I was thinking about how to tell you my identity. I want to tell you the secret of my life experience...many, I will be able to tell you everything I want to tell you, because you are the person I trust most in this world..."

Speaking of which, Lin Weiyue choked with a sore throat.

She took a deep breath and said, "But, you left, are your tendernesses all false? Actually, I really can't understand why you didn't even say a word when you left, really, I I don’t even know where to look for you... you won’t stop me for how long I cried, oh, then I’m going to forget you, really."

Hearing this, Ye Xuelu couldn't stand it.

"Qiu'er, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's all my fault."

Ye Xueluo's eyes were red, with a moist light.

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