Everyone looked at the emperor's complexion and quickly expressed their opinions.

Of course, when it comes to the end, it's nothing more than trivial things. It's not a big deal at all.

But even if this is the case, the big guy should take advantage of the emperor's good mood and try to brush up his presence.

But everyone found out that they talked more, the emperor gradually became impatient, and his face seemed to be bad.

Ye Xueluo was naturally impatient, because he was still thinking about Lin Weiyue, and he wanted to go back to her for breakfast.

If you don't eat breakfast, it is bad for Lin Weiyue's health.

It can be said that Ye Xueluo's thoughts are all Lin Weiyue, so she has no intention of listening to some small things.

He knew the thoughts of these ministers.

But these are also people with insight, seeing that the emperor is impatient, immediately stopped, and stopped talking.

After the low tide, Ye Xue's footsteps were quick and light.

When Ye Xuelu left, the ministers began to whisper when they went out.

"What's going on today? The emperor seems to be in a good mood?"

"It must have something to do with that woman. I heard that the palace was almost overturned yesterday."

"what happened?"

"As if the woman could not be found, the emperor is crazy."

"What kind of woman is it, how beautiful is it to be like the emperor?"

"Will it be a demon?"

"If it were a demon girl, the emperor who had long bewildered would not be up, but if you look at the emperor, she will not delay any political affairs, but she will be too attentive to the woman."

"Do you remember the two former ministers? We still don't care about this matter. I'm not going to let my daughter go into the palace. I still want to find a good boy.

"It makes sense."

Everyone knows that the emperor's heart is on the woman, so they still plan otherwise.

When night snow fell back, Lin Weiyue was still sleeping.

Lin Weiyue may just be in good health, but she needs more sleep and more training.

For Ye Xueluo, being in this way looking at Lin Weiyue was also very happy.

However, he found that since kissing Lin Weiyue, his mentality has also changed, that is, he does not want to be close all the time, and then close again.

He couldn't help it.

He took a few deep breaths to control his emotions.

When Lin Weiyue woke up, she directly met Ye Xuexue's eyes.

Ye Xueluo gently held Lin Weiyue's hand and said: "In the future, you can see me when you wake up."

He will not let Lin Weiyue wake up to see him.

Hearing this sentence, Lin Weiyue admitted that his heart was warming up.

In fact, when Ye Xue fell attentively, it was really attentive.

He could take care of all her feelings, and it seemed that she blinked and he knew what she was thinking.

After dinner, without Lin Weiyue, Ye Xueluo knew she wanted to go there.

Ye Xueluo arranged the carriage directly, and then dressed Lin Weiyue.

Lin Weiyue looked at how Ye Xueluo covered her with fox fur and said, "I can wear it myself."

Ye Xueluo's movements in his hands, "I'm used to it, I can't change it."

Before Lin Weiyue was in poor health, Ye Xueluo took care of her personally, and she didn't care about anything.

So when Lin Weiyue is to be taken out, the first thing he thinks about is to dress Lin Weiyue well. Wear a little thicker, don't freeze her.

Lin Weiyue's eyes were slightly moist.

She could feel the night snow falling well.

In fact, a long time ago, at the princess palace, after Ye Xuelu left, she did not expect that one day, when the two were still together, he would treat her so well.

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