There was a little tear in Huang Qingdie's eyes, with a bright light.

She really has a feeling of dreaming.

It seems to be back to the girlhood, it seems to be back to the time when it would be crazy for Sakura Chiaki.

At that time, it was just watching him singing from the distance, watching him so charming, the girl's heart was fascinated.

Now, he is right in front of her, as her boyfriend, only singing for her.

This touch, this touch, made Huang Qingdie's heart violently beating.

The heartbeat was fast, and Huang Qingdie thought that her heart was about to jump out of her throat.

In a trance, Huang Qingdie really thought it was a dream.

Sakura Qianxi she saw, so dazzling and charming, heard his song, so beautiful, so that her heart was beating.

Her eyes were insane, and she blinked, not even believing that they were real.

Huang Qingdie shouted Sakura Qianxi's name in her heart, but felt that shouting this name would bring flowers to her heart.

Ying Qianxi's gaze looked at Huang Qingdie from beginning to end.

He sang this song to her.

Huang Qingdie was completely immersed in this song, immersed in Ying Qianxi's eyebrows, all forgetting herself.

After Yingqianxi sang the last sentence, she picked up the bunch of roses next to her and walked slowly to Huang Qingdie. She looked at her tenderly and asked softly, "Do you like it?"

Huang Qingdie was very emotional and wanted to say a lot of words, but the words seemed to be stuck in her throat.

She nodded vigorously.

Ying Qianxi looked at Huang Qingdie, but only felt cute, and made his heart so soft.

Before, he never thought of stabilizing, but after meeting Emperor Qingdie, he had a special feeling of wanting to stabilize.

And I want to take Huang Qingdie with me and take me home.

As time changes, the longer he gets along, the stronger his feeling is.

Ying Qianxi gently touched Huang Qingdie's hair and kissed her on the forehead.

Immediately afterwards, Yingqianxi knelt down on one knee and said to Huang Qingdie: "Qingdie, would you please let me give you a home and let me love you with all my heart to take care of you, and only sing to you in the future? it is good?"

Ying Qianxi actually prepared a lot of words, but when he was faced with Huang Qingdie at this moment, he realized that all the prepared words could not be said. He just wanted to tell her that he wanted to be with her and let her marry for myself.

Huang Qingdie was really shocked, she was completely unprepared.

It was really sudden, she... was still in a state of love.

But her heart was beating violently.

She didn't expect Yingqian Xi to talk to her like this, kneeling down on one knee and pulling out the ring like this.

This... this is the bridge in the idol TV series.

Now it is Sakura Chie-hee who shows her and lets her experience it for herself.

She was in love with Ying Qianxi and was together, but Ying Qianxi never said such things to her.

So at this moment, Huang Qingdie couldn't help crying excitedly.

Seeing Huang Qingdie crying, Ying Qianxi was nervous all over. All he saw was Huang Qingdie's happy smile, and rarely saw her crying.

So this time, when seeing Huang Qingdie crying, Yingqianxi stood up, hugged her in her arms, and coaxed, "Don't cry, did I scare you? You... if you were not prepared ...I will first...not to mention these first, OK?"

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