After putting the ring on Huang Qingdie, Ying Qianxi gently asked Huang Qingdie, "Do you like it?"

This is a ring he designed himself. In fact, he is also nervous. I don't know if Huang Qingdie likes it or not.

Because I care, I am nervous and care about the other party's preferences.

When Ying Qianxi and Huang Qingdie were together on weekdays, they were gentle and gentle, as if they were indifferent to everything, maybe in their hearts.

In the process of falling in love with Ying Qianxi, Huang Qingdie could feel the care of Ying Qianxi, but did not feel the strong feelings.

Because Ying Qianxi's emotions are restrained and most profound, it is difficult for people to see his mood changes and mood changes.

Even Huang Qingdie sometimes does not know whether Ying Qianxi treats her like her brother takes care of her sister, or her boyfriend loves his girlfriend.

Sometimes she is also puzzled and entangled.

But at this moment, Huang Qingdie can see the real emotion change in Ying Qianxi's eyes.

She could see the light in his eyes and the emotion in his eyes.

She knew that he was nervous.

Ying Qianxi is afraid that the best for her is not for her.

Afraid of wronging Huang Qingdie, what others can give, Yingqianxi also wanted to give Huang Qingdie.

Huang Qingdie's mouth twitched a brightest smile and nodded vigorously: "Well, I like it very much."

As long as it was given to her by Sakura Chiaki, she would like it.

Because there is love in it.

Ying Qianxi looked at Huang Qingdie's bright smile before she was relieved.

Huang Qingdie reached out to hug Ying Qianxi's waist, "Thank you for the surprise I gave you today."

Ying Qianxi looked at Huang Qingdie's look and felt that she was really a little girl, and it was really easy to satisfy.

Perhaps it was because Emperor Qingdie was so pure from the beginning to the end as a little girl, so Sakura Qianxi fell in love from the beginning.

When Huang Qingdie came back to God, she began to look at the surrounding scenery, her eyes became brighter and brighter.

"so beautiful."

The entire roof of the building is unfolded with flowers, and the opposite lights are flashing brightly, and there is a word of love.

There is also a swing on the top of this building, which is full of flowers, beautiful flowers.

Ying Qianxi looked at Huang Qingdie's happy face, and her mood became better.

He took Huang Qingdie's hand and walked to the swing, let her sit down.

Ying Qianxi shook gently, and with a move, the flowers all plumped down, just like the flower rain.

Huang Qingdie smiled happily and exclaimed, "It's really beautiful, so beautiful."

She felt that Ying Qianxi gave her a girl's dream.

Make her feel like being in a fairy tale world.

Huang Qingdie didn't know that after she and Yingqianxi were together, she would make her truly like a princess in the future.

Ying Qianxi didn't understand the little girl's preferences before, but also to make Huang Qingdie happy. He also studied it a bit.

It was late and Yingqianxi pulled Huang Qingdie back.

Huang Qingdie was reluctant at the top of the building, and she even wanted to stay longer.

"If you like, I will bring you more in the future, there will be flowers, and the swing will be reserved for you."

Staying on this for a long time, the night is deep and it will be cold.

"it is good."

At night, while Huang Qingdie washes in the bathroom, her heart was pounding.

Jump quickly, you have to jump out of your throat.

She is really nervous.

She looked at the ring on her finger, and the corner of her mouth couldn't help but kept rising, with a sweet arc.

Huang Qingdie smiled when she was happy, and she kissed the ring with happiness.

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