Ying Qianxi stood in front of Huang Qingdie, reaching for her hair and gently touching her hair, then frowned, "Why is the hair still wet?"

Huang Qingdie said: "If it is half dry, the hair is not easy to hair, and the blow is too dry, which is not good for the hair."

Ying Qianxi didn't know the logic, but he still sat down with Huang Qingdie, and used her hair dryer to blow her hair.

Huang Qingdie originally thought not to blow.

But Ying Qianxi's technique is really good. Blowing her hair gives her a warm and comfortable feeling.

Huang Qingdie sat and felt warm, all made her really understand that she was spoiled by Ying Qianxi.

Ying Qianxi's movements are very gentle, for fear of pulling Huang Qingdie's hair, "I'm going to sleep soon. You are half dry and easy to catch cold. Don't do this next time. Is hair important or body important?"

Huang Qingdie wanted to say that hair is also important. Do boys not like girls with smooth long hair?

But she could hear the seriousness in Sakura Qianxi's words, she still knew Sakura Qianxi a little bit.

If she says so, Sakura Chiesi estimates that she will be able to cut her hair into short hair the next day.

She doesn't want to cut it short, her long hair looks good, she still keeps it.

When she was a girl, she was a little boyish and cut her hair short.

Later, I fell in love with Sakura Qianxi and went to see his concert. I saw so many girls crying and screaming, many of them are beautiful women with long hair fluttering.

At that time, her heart had a gap, those women were so beautiful, she also had to be beautiful, at least not short-haired boyish.

So at that time, she started to work hard towards the lady and started to keep her long hair.

I have been staying for a long time now. Every time it is too long, I trim it a little and keep the hair of this length.

Previously, she had imagined whether it was sometimes possible to let her hair slip through the hands of idol Sakura Chiaki.

Unexpectedly, when I grow up, I really can.

Today, Sakura Qianxi is blowing her hair, and she has just proposed to her and put her on a ring.

No matter how many times he sees it, Huang Qingdie has a feeling of dreaming.

It seemed that she had grown up since she was a girl, and met Sakura Chiaki.

And Sakura Chiaki said that she went to bed after a while, and she felt nervous when she heard the words "sleep".

She didn't know what she was nervous about.

And sitting quietly on the sofa, she could smell the elegant air exuded from Ying Qianxi. When she smelled it, she felt that she was completely drunk.

The heart seemed to jump quickly.

Huang Qingdie felt there was a feeling of covering her heart, in order not to let her heart beat out.

Ying Qianxi felt that Huang Qingdie tonight was too quiet, and he was not used to it.

"What are you thinking?"

"go to bed."

Huang Qingdie didn't expect that Yingqianxi would suddenly ask this sentence, she really conditioned the answer.

After she answered, realizing what was said, Huang Qingdie suddenly felt an ambiguous breath flowing in the air.

It seems that sleep means the deepest meaning.

Huang Qingdie sat there stiffly, and she had to bite off her tongue.

She didn't dare to turn her head at this time, and she didn't know what Yingqianxi would think.

When Ying Qianxi heard Huang Qingdie's words, she was slightly startled, and her movements stopped for a moment.

"Oh, ah..."

The hair dryer was still blowing, but Ying Qianxi and Huang Qingdie didn't speak for a while.

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