Huang Qingdie looked at the picture, looked at Yingqianxi, and blinked: "The more you say this, the more curious I am, what is it and where?"

Huang Qingdie took Ying Qianxi's arm and began to coquettishly say, "Tell me, tell me..."

Ying Qianxi enjoyed Huang Qiaodie's coquetry with him.

He looked at her with a smile and said, "I'll know when you get there, don't worry, don't worry."

Huang Qingdie snorted deliberately, expressing his displeasure.

Ying Qianxi took her body over and took it into her arms, "Don't be mad, I will explain it to you in a moment and a half, and I will know when I get there."

In fact, Ying Qianxi wanted to surprise Huang Qingdie. He wanted to see how Huang Qingdie was happy.

If she is happy, he will be happy too.

Huang Qingdie actually loves Sakura Qianxi very much, so as soon as he speaks to her gently, she will be ready immediately.

She leaned in Ying Qianxi's arms and looked at the scenery below from the plane.

Her mood is actually excited, a little nervous, but more happy.

Looking down through the window, Huang Qingdie felt that this... this does not seem to be the scope of any country.

How to pass through the clouds, through the forests.

There is a feeling of cloudiness.

Huang Qingdie felt a strange feeling.

Where are they going?

She had read so many books before and had traveled so many places. She had never seen such a land.

On the way, Ying Qianxi was always paying attention to Huang Qingdie's emotions on the plane.

Seemingly knowing her doubts, she explained: "My home is deep in this forest."

"In Linzi, it's the same as Xanadu, did you say that?"

Huang Qingdie was suddenly excited and excited, she felt that Ying Qianxi's house should be beautiful.

In the photos alone, his father and mother wore an exotic atmosphere, and the jewelry was so exquisite and gorgeous.

Yingqianxi looked at Huang Qingdie's bright face and smiled, "I'm not afraid that I will take you home and stop letting you out?"

"will not."


Huang Qingdie reached out to touch Ying Qianxi's eyebrows, "Here, you love me, you can't bear me to be unhappy, you wish me to be happy."

Ying Qianxi's mood became better because of the words of Huang Qingdie.

The arc of the corner of his mouth kept rising.

"You, what do you want me to do... what to do with you?"

At this moment, Ying Qianxi's heart is full of warmth, with a soft and warm wave.

Let him just want to hold Huang Qingdie like this, love her like this, and don't let go.

She is his pistachio.

As long as she is around, his mood will get better.

Ying Qianxi held Huang Qingdie and let her sit on her lap.

Huang Qingdie feared that she was heavy and pressed Yingqianxi.

Ying Qianxi smiled and said, "You have nothing weight, eat more in the future."

"If you eat again, you will get fat."

"Not fat, in my eyes, you are not fat."

Speaking of this sentence, Ying Qianxi's eyebrows are gentle and tender.

Huang Qingdie is also a little girl, so she likes to listen to such words.

Whether it is true or false, she just likes to listen.

When the plane was about to land, Huang Qingdie said to Ying Qianxi: "When you come to your house, what do you need to do, what is your name, you must remind me, or I will be in a hurry."

"Okay, okay, tell you everything."

In the face of Huang Qingdie, Ying Qianxi is very good-tempered, and she is happy to coax her.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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