Huang Qingdie felt that her palms were sweating, but she tried to take a deep breath to make her walk more elegant and beautiful. She thinks the people here are very enthusiastic and all eyes are so eager.

She is really strange. Everyone doesn't know her, would you like her so much?

What she didn't know was that Sakura Chiaki's prestige was particularly high.

As long as Ying Qianxi likes the choice, people in this country will love her.

And Huang Qingdie is that important person, Ying Qianxi has already told everyone from the beginning, saying that this is his prince.

He had told everyone clearly that he would bring her back, so everyone was cheering warmly.

After all, the prince has been away from home for so long.

It must be this beautiful girl who can return the prince.

Huang Qingdie was originally very beautiful, inheriting the advantages of her parents' beauty, so even if you just wear a simple skirt, it is so elegant and noble.

Sometimes temperament can't be learned by others.

Yingqianxi took Huang Qingdie down from the plane and walked from the red carpet to the gate of the castle all the time.

Huang Qingdie felt that she had seen various scenes, but this time, she would still be nervous.

Maybe it's because you care, maybe it's because of love, maybe because the person around you is Sakura Chiaki.

Everyone looked at it and felt that the prince and the princess were so well matched.

They all felt that the prince should also be like a princess.

When Ying Qianxi walked to the gate of the castle, all the guards saluted.

The king and queen were waiting at the door with a kind and bright smile on their faces.

When Ying Qianxi introduced Huang Qingdie to them, they gave all the gifts in their hands to Ying Qianxi.

Huang Qingdie looked at Ying Qianxi's parents so kind and so easy to get along with, and the worry was finally put down.

Sure enough, as Ying Qianxi said, his parents are really good.

So, in fact, most of the parents in the world are getting along well, not to say that they deliberately make things difficult for others.

Simply saying a few words of greeting, Sakura Qianxi pulled Huang Qingdie up to the highest part of the castle.

Ying Qianxi officially introduced the Emperor Qingdie to the people of the country above the castle.

"My people, I am back today and I am very happy to see you and to be able to get together with you. Now I want to introduce you to a new member of our country. Her name is Huang Qingdie, my lover, and I will be you in the future. Prince Wang, I hope everyone loves her just like me, because she is my lover and a very important person..."

Huang Qingdie listened to Ying Qianxi's words and was moved to tears.

She had never heard anything that moved her so much.

He is introducing her to people all over the country, and making people love her throughout the country.

Such a way of introduction touched her heart.

So, how can she not love him.

After Ying Qianxi finished speaking, a warm applause broke out below, the music continued to ring, and the people below welcomed them with songs and dances. When Ying Qianxi placed the microphone in front of Huang Qingdie, let her speak.

Huang Qingdie's sore throat choked, not knowing what to say.

In fact, at this time, she had many, many words in her heart that she wanted to say to Ying Qianxi, and there were many questions she wanted to ask him.

But Ying Qianxi just asked her to say something to everyone.

Huang Qingdie suppressed the emotion in her heart and said to the people below: "I love Qianxi and I will love you as much as he does. I will be a member of this family."

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