Ying Qianxi held Huang Qingdie's hand tight and hard.

Because of love, he will not give up Huang Qingdie anyway.

Parents must love children. He will sincerely convince Huang Qingdie's parents that he will treat him well and will agree.

Huang Qingdie looked at Ying Qianxi's confident look and blinked, "Then don't you think about anything else?"

Ying Qianxi smiled and shook her head, "No, I only consider you, as long as you agree."

"What if my parents are bad?"

"If you can raise a daughter like you, your parents must be very good."

Huang Qingdie originally had a lot of questions to ask, but listening to Ying Qianxi's answer, she suddenly felt that she didn't need to ask any questions.

Because he gave her the greatest love and trust and care.

His answer really made her very happy.

Huang Qingdie came out of Ying Qianxi's arms.

But Ying Qianxi hugged her tightly and prevented her from coming out.

"Oh, I won't go, I just want to talk to you."

"Hold and speak."

Huang Qingdie took Ying Qianxi's hand and looked at his eyes, "I want to look at your eyes and say."

"Okay, listen to you."

In fact, Huang Qingdie said nothing mattered, what was important was that she was by his side, just in his arms.

Huang Qingdie looked at Ying Qianxi and said earnestly: "Qianxi, I am actually the second lady of the Black Dragon Party, my father is Huang Yize, my mother is Yun Bilu, I also have a brother and a sister, I still There is an aunt who is the mother of Xie, and I still have..."

When Emperor Qingdie slowly said her life experience, even Sakura Qianxi was shocked.

In a flash, Ying Qianxi's body stiffened.

Huang Qingdie is actually embarrassed to say that, but now she and Yingqianxi are both like that. She has returned home with him, so it is also necessary to confess her life and talk about her family and her family.

This is her sincerity.

But as everyone knows, not everyone in this world has her background.

Just holding her, there are several big country presidents behind her who are relatives, and they are all so close.

Sisters, sisters, brothers and brothers are a lot, and each is so powerful.

Ying Qianxi was really shocked at this moment.

After finishing talking, Huang Qingdie looked at Ying Qianxi and did not respond. She reached out and waved in front of Ying Qianxi, "Qianxi, what are you... what's wrong with you?"

Ying Qianxi sighed inwardly, with a bitter arc in the corner of her mouth, "I didn't expect that you would be a princess of the Black Dragon Party."

It's really a treasure in everyone's heart.

He was not worried about anything else, but only worried that Huang Qingdie's relatives would not agree so much that he and Huang Qingdie were together early and settled down.

"What happened to the princess of the Black Dragon Party?"

Ying Qianxi gently touched Huang Qingdie's hair, "You are the treasure of your family, and I want to marry the treasure back soon, I think, they will not agree so easily."

"My parents are very open-minded and will agree, even if they disagree, I..."

Ying Qianxi looked at Huang Qingdie in amusement and couldn't help teasing her, "What if you don't agree?"

"Well, I'm running away with you."

Ying Qianxi didn't expect Huang Qingdie to answer that, he was really moved.

On this day, Huang Qingdie touched him too much, really a silly girl, so he just wanted to take good care of good love.

"Trust me, I will let your parents agree and let your family trust you to me."

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