Although Huang Qingdie is the princess of the Black Dragon Party, she has never been a petite character, nor will she be arrogant.

She only needs to be sensible and polite, and honor her elders.

She didn't know the customs here, but there were introductions in the books and stories about the castle, so she was very annoyed how to get up so late.

"Oh, I set the alarm clock."

Ying Qianxi looked at her funny and said: "I turn off the alarm clock for you."

"Ah, why did you shut me up."

"Good boy, I'm so distressed to see you tired. I can't bear to let you sleep more."

After a pause, Yingqianxi kissed the lips of Emperor Qingdie, "And, there are no customs here, my parents are very open-minded, we live our two-person world, and I will take you out to travel in a few days, Honeymoon."

Huang Qingdie was very happy when she heard that Ying Qianxi was traveling.

In fact, it doesn't matter where you travel, she just wants to go out with Ying Qianxi, the world of two.

Yingqianxi looked at the brightness in Huang Qingdie's eyebrows and knew that she liked it and liked to travel.

As long as she likes, he will accompany her.

What seemed to come to mind, Huang Qingdie said: "But I have to take classes."

"I'll ask you for leave, and with your cleverness, those courses will make up for it, there will be no problem."

Huang Qingdie looked at Ying Qianxi, "You are making me skip class, making me a bad girl."

Ying Qianxi sat up and took Huang Qingdie's body, whispering: "You are not a girl anymore, it is my woman, my lover, my wife."

Hearing such a magnetically striking flower, Huang Qingdie couldn't hold her back, and her heartbeat accelerated.

Her body began to heat up again.

She said unwillingly: "You are mine too."

"Well, it was yours from the beginning."

Huang Qingdie smiled happily and arched in Ying Qianxi's arms.

Ying Qianxi looked at her like a kitten, but couldn't help laughing.

She is still the same as the child, but he is willing to spoil and let her continue to be carefree and happy like a child.

Huang Qingdie made a fuss for a while, and felt a scorching heat, of course, the scorching enthusiasm from Ying Qianxi.

Her complexion changed slightly, and she hurriedly came down from Ying Qianxi's arms, "I'm going to wash, I'm hungry, I want to have breakfast."

Ying Qianxi looked at Huang Qingdie's hurry to get out of bed and shook her head helplessly.

He looked down at the changes in his body, and sometimes he couldn't control his love for her.

But he still refrained from wanting to tired her one after another.

And as she said, she was hungry and had to eat well.

Ying Qianxi also quickly got out of bed to clean up.

In the bathroom, two people wash together, and Huang Qingdie has an indescribable feeling.

With a lover beside her, she no longer needs to be alone.

I remember my parents said that the one who can accompany her until she is old is her lover.

Whether parents or children will have their own lives, only husband and wife can help each other.

Huang Qingdie thought about what his parents had said, and his eyes shone brightly.

It turned out that time has passed so fast, before she was young, and beside her parents, happy.

Now she has grown up, but she also met someone who loves her, so pampering her, and making her happy.

Sakura Qianxi finished washing, and saw Huang Qingdie somewhat distracted, gently asked her, "What are you thinking?"

"Thinking that time has changed so fast, I have grown up in a flash."

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