In fact, sometimes the clothes custom-made at the Presidential Palace may not be suitable for Duan Jintian, and sometimes they look good in shopping malls.

Duan Jintian really likes the clothes chosen by Leng Shiqin. The skirts are conservative and pure. They are also feminine and very beautiful. In fact, the clothes made by the Presidential Palace for Duan Jintian are really too conservative.

Good looking is good looking, what are the shortcomings.

"Well, wearing this way, your brother Chen will definitely be lost."

Duan Jintian listened to Leng Shiqin's words, and his face turned slightly red, a little embarrassed.

Her heart is still very pure, and she has changed a little, and she is not used to it.

Leng Shiqin looked at Duan Jintian and sighed in his heart. This is really a good girl!

Leng Shiqin seemed to think of something, blinked, mysteriously said: "Go, I will take you to buy clothes again."

"Buy it? Haven't you already bought it?"

Leng Shiqin smiled mysteriously, and then dragged Duan Jintian to the lingerie shop.

Duan Jintian was puzzled. "Sister Shiqin, I have underwear."

"I asked you to buy it for your brother Chen. Men don't like you wearing such conservative underwear. I'll choose it for you..."

Listening to Leng Shiqin's words, Duan Jintian's face seemed to explode.

It was really red, and his face was like a fire.

Duan Jintian quietly pulled the sleeves of La Leng Shiqin, "I really don't need it, I'm still young, I and him..."

"Your relationship is settled, in fact, it was almost announced. I want to say that it is really impossible for him to be wrong with you, so this one of you will sooner or later."

Duan Jintian was blinded, "Sister Shiqin, you and your brother..."

Leng Shiqin was asked by Duan Jintian, and his face also turned red. The carefree girl suddenly became shy.

Duan Jintian saw Leng Shiqin blushing for the first time, and she widened her eyes in curiosity and surprise.

It turned out that her blushing looks so charming, no wonder her big brother likes her so much.

"Sister Shiqin, are you there?"

Leng Shiqin blinked her eyes, looked around, and determined that there was no one, she quietly said in Duan Jintian's ear: "I want the king to bow hard, but your elder brother is so good, so I still need to practice."

Duan Jintian opened his mouth wide, "So, so Sister Shiqin, you actually don't understand anything. You only understand theoretical knowledge, right?"

Leng Shiqin raised his head and said with some bravery: "Theoretical knowledge is also better than what you don't understand, is it?"

Duan Jintian looked at her like this and couldn't help but giggled aloud.

"Don't laugh, don't laugh..."

Duan Jintian said: "I really look at you for the first time, so cute, you, really changeable, no wonder my brother likes you so much."

"We are the sweethearts, as far as my IQ is concerned, you are not at the same level as your brother. Your brother is too powerful."

When the two were talking, Leng Shiqin also really selected a few sets of underwear for Duan Jintian.

According to Duan Jintian's strong request, I didn't want the kind that was too much, and it was a little more conservative, but at least it was not the cartoon patterns of the past.

After the two went back, Duan Jintian also climbed back from the wall and window.

She pulled Leng Shiqin and said, "Sister Shiqin, come with me tonight!"

Leng Shiqin shook his head vigorously, "No, no, your eldest brother is so jealous. I can't do the same bed with you. Your brother will kill me when I come back. I will go back to my own home!"

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