For Xirong Fuchen, he personally read the food culture and the construction of the school.

If anything needs to be added, he will add the plan himself.

In this regard, he takes it seriously.

So people in the entire country e know that the president attaches great importance to the culture, food, and scenery of the entire country. Therefore, the following officials have stepped up construction in this regard.

Therefore, generally speaking, country e will become more and more beautiful under the control of Xirong floating dust.

And in recent days, the most beautiful city in the whole country e is being promoted. The entire street has been cleaned particularly clean. Many non-compliant buildings have been demolished.

Such a big move, no one knows which national leader will come.

No, the leaders of many countries have met before, and no such attention has been paid!

So everyone speculates on who the **** is?

Moreover, high-level officials of the country found that the mood of the president recently seems to be very good. As cool as the iceberg, His Excellency the President will have a smile like Mu Chunfeng.

They have never seen such a smile before.

And everyone finds that the president has been particularly good at talking recently.

Whatever you say to him, he will listen patiently and give you advice.

Many officials have a flattered feeling.

Everyone tried to brush their presence at this time.

Xirong Fuchen was also found. The following people are very strange recently.

But he is really in a good mood, so no matter how weird he is, he will be patient.

Everything looks good in a good mood.

Every day, Xirong Fuchen will call Duan Jintian, or send a text message.

The two are really as hot as they are in love.

Even Xirong Fuchen restrained, but his emotions could not be restrained.

His heart was really hot for Duan Jintian.

He hated to show Duan Jintian the best he could give.

In fact, now he can understand why his father was passionate about power.

In fact, sometimes sitting in the highest position can give your lover the best.

But if the two can only choose the same, he will choose Duan Jintian, and he does not hesitate.

Because love is most important.

But if his father chose, he chose power and gave up Duan Jintian's mother.

In fact, at that time, my father should realize that he loved Aunt Bai!

But his father didn't understand the woman's heart, so he would do that later.

In fact, Xirong Fuchen still remembers that sometimes his father's eyes would turn red when he looked at something left by Bai Yi.

Maybe he would cry in the middle of the night, but he didn't let him find out.

Xirong Fuchen sighed with regret. He knew that he would never be like his father.

When Duan Jintian comes, if she wants, he will take her hand to see his father's tomb.

He thought his father would be happy when he saw it.

After Xirong Fuchen was busy with many things, he calmed down and opened the room where his father used to be. There were some letters there that the father wrote to him when he grew up.

For his father, he is very loving.

Because he gave his complete fatherly love, he taught him everything that could teach him, so that he could correctly follow the path of life.

Xirong Fuchen opened one of the letters with blood on it.

Seeing the blood stains, Xirong's heart was hurt.

He knew that when he was a teenager, his father's health was not good at that time, but he kept supporting him because he was not worried about him!

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