Xirong Fuchen also recruited some cooks, who are good at x national dishes.

He was worried that Duan Jintian would not be used to eating the food of country e at first.

He also prepared many gifts for Duan Jintian.

Time came in anticipation of Xirong Fuchen. On this day, he packed himself very early, went to the airport early, made an exclusive flight to the school in Country X to find Duan Jintian.

In fact, when looking for Duan Jintian, Xirong Fuchen was still nervous.

He was holding a bouquet of flowers in his hands and stood by the tree in the school park.

Although Xirong Fuchen rarely appeared on TV on weekdays, some people might know his face.

So he wears sunglasses.

The key is that his temperament and appearance are so good, standing there, is the most attractive scenery.

Even if he wears sunglasses, everyone just sees his figure and temperament, he knows that he is absolutely the man with the brilliance.

"Handsome guy, it looks like a handsome guy at first sight. This temperament, wow, feels like a fairy."

"Picturesque, I now understand what this sentence means."

"Our school also has handsome guys, but there are so few such temperaments. At first glance, they are rich and wealthy children."

"Noble no match, seeing that he is holding so many roses, he must be waiting for his girlfriend."

"I don't know who his girlfriend is?"


After Xirong Fuchen came here, he called Duan Jintian and waited quietly.

Although he is as low-key as possible, his elegance, even if it is low-key, will be discovered.

Especially when people come and go in school, everyone still notices him very easily.

Coupled with so many roses in his hand, it is really eye-catching.

Duan Jintian's heart burst out when he received a phone call from Xirong Fuchen.

Fortunately, she packed herself up long ago, then put on a skirt and looked at herself in the mirror to make sure there was no problem.

Duan Jintian hurried down the stairs.

Xirong Fuchen said that he was under the tree in the school park, and Duan Jintian hurried to the campus tree.

In fact, she saw Xirong Fuchen at a glance.

Because he is so beautiful, standing there is a most unique scenery.

And he held roses, so gorgeous, but in Duan Jintian's eyes, Xirong Fuchen looked better than flowers.

Duan Jintian's heart must jump out of his heart.

She can all hear her heartbeat, pounding, one after another...

Duan Jintian feels that she wants to cover her heart, and she is worried that her heart will really jump out.

The moment she saw Xirong floating dust, her eyes lit up.

She took a deep breath and walked towards Xirong Fuchen step by step.

Xirong Fuchen waited patiently for Duan Jintian. When he was wearing sunglasses, his sight also fell on the front.

So when Duan Jintian appeared, Xirong Fuchen also saw it at a glance.

Today's Duan Jintian is wearing a long black dress and completely wraps her figure. It is really amazing and beautiful.

As Leng Shiqin said, purity is feminine.

Xirong Fuchen's heart missed a beat.

His eyes darkened, and then with a bright light, holding the rose, he also walked towards Duan Jintian.

When the two approached, their steps stopped at the same time.

They both care about each other, but they are also nervous.

After all, I haven't seen each other for a long time.

Xirong Fuchen looked deeply at the person in front of her and felt that she had really grown up.

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