With this sentence, Duan Jintian's eyes blinked, and a mysterious light flashed in his eyes.

In fact, if it wasn't for Sister Shiqin telling her, she really didn't know that her relatives knew this already.

She told Xirong Fuchen to actually let him not worry about it, and told him that her relatives admitted him and liked him.

She said that, in fact, she wanted to make her brother Chen happy.

Duan Jintian suddenly said this, Xirong Fuchen was really stunned, her relatives and family knew?

Over the years, he thought he was hiding very well.

Even if he missed Duan Jintian again, even when he suffered from insomnia, he tried not to go to country x as much as possible, and it was not obvious that he did not behave.

He was really worried that Duan Jintian's relatives would object, or that Duan Jintian would be embarrassed.

So he endured all the feelings in his heart and patiently waited for Duan Jintian to grow up.

But he did not expect that his loved ones knew.

So for a time, Xirong's dust was stunned, and he never recovered.

Duan Jintian looked at Xi Rong Fu Chen's stunned expression and reached out to shake in front of him.

Hearing Duan Jintian calling him, Xirong Fuchen slowly recovered, he looked at Duan Jintian deeply and locked her eyes.

He found that she was serious, obviously what she said was also serious.

The corner of Xirong Fuchen's mouth moved, "Sweet, what you said is true, do your loved ones know?"

Duan Jintian nodded vigorously, "Well, I thought I concealed it very well, who knows they all know, and yeah, they all seem to be optimistic about you."

Xirong Fuchen smiled faintly. In fact, he always worried that Duan Jintian's loved ones disagreed. He has been working hard since he was a boy and never slacks off.

And emotionally, he did not allow him to have a little gossip.

From the earliest times, he knew that he would be worthy of the girl he loved.

However, it seems that all the efforts are worthwhile, at least it has been recognized by her family.

"Also, when I used to go to school, the boys didn't dare to approach me, dare to chase me, and they had a great relationship with my two brothers."

Hearing this, Xirong's heart tightened. When Duan Jintian was at school, he was really worried.

Worried, there will be boys into Duan Jintian's heart.

At that time, he was often insomnia.

Only with every call and every communication through the letter can he be a little comforted.

No one knows how hard he waited.

Fortunately, his girl finally grew up and really belonged to him.

Xirong Fuchen looked at Duan Jintian seriously, with a gentle light in his eyes, "Huh?"

He patiently listened to Duan Jintian to continue.

"My two older brothers seemed to know what happened between us at that time. I thought I was hiding very well, but they still couldn't hide them. They seemed to want me to be with you at that time, and they were optimistic about you. , I think you can treat me well, so in fact, they are also helping you invisible, so that those male students do not dare to chase me, help you grow up with me, let me be with you."

Hearing these words, Xirong Fuchen's heart was really touched.

Maybe not touch, but touch.

He didn't expect that Duan Jintian's two brothers helped him like this.

For a time, Xirong Fuchen's heart filled with warmth.

It turned out that when he didn't know it, he was not alone, and he was always warm and loving.

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