Although Xirong Fuchen looked at the front, his attention was more on Duan Jintian.

He held her hand vigorously, for fear of any discomfort.

His palms are warm, and he is using his hands to convey his feelings and concerns.

Duan Jintian could feel Xirong Fuchen nervous about her.

But she is the princess of country X. She naturally knows this kind of occasion and can adapt to it.

It's just that because she loves Xirong so much, she is nervous because she cares too much.

She wants to show a better side.

She wanted to be recognized by all the people in country e from the beginning.

She wanted to stand beside Xirong Fuchen, so she didn't flinch.

She wants to perform well.

Because she knew she also represented Xirong Fuchen.

In fact, Duan Jintian's temperament is unique, coupled with her elegant smile, from time to time and Xirong Fuchen's eyes are full of affection.

Everyone can see it.

As soon as Duan Jintian appeared, everyone liked it.

She is the kind of girl who is easy to make people love. She smiles so sweetly. It makes everyone feel comfortable and makes people look, just like seeing the sun, making people feel very comfortable.

"This... this is the president's girlfriend?"

"At first glance, when did you see our president have seen a girl with that look?"

"I have never seen the President so gentle in seeing a person. Our President is also a gentle person."

"The president smiled like this, and he felt the sun was shining brightly."

"Sure enough, love can make one a person."

"I used to think that our president would not laugh! Now looking at it, I know how gentle the president can laugh."

"The president must love this woman very much and do not know what the girl is."

"I always feel familiar and really have a strong sense of familiarity, but I can't tell, I really can't guess who this girl is."

"I... I remember, this girl looks like a person!"

"Like who?"

"It seems like the wife of the President of Country X, that is, General Bai at the International Military Station, it is her!"


Hearing this guess, everyone was a little upset, and for a moment, there was some silence in the air.

Some old people know about the previous generation.

At that time, things about the first president and the wife of the president of country X were full of buzz, and everything was said at that time.

The attack on the President’s wife was also very strong.

I don't seem to know who is jealous of the President's wife and deliberately shook it out.

But at the beginning, the pre-president held a press conference in person for her reputation, admitting that he had failed the Bai Yaoyao.

The first president preserved Bai Yaoyao's reputation.

But the same, let everyone know, the emotional history of the first president.

Let everyone know the past.

At that time, almost the whole country knew about it, so for Bai Yaoyao, everyone still remembers her appearance.

And that was the wife of President X, and General Bai at the international military station.

She will also appear in the media, her prestige is getting stronger and stronger, and she is no longer the person that everyone can talk about at will.

And the president of country X is also very good to her.

In fact, the first president went so early, everyone knows that it is related to feelings.

Nowadays, the President appears with such a girl, especially like Bai Yaoyao. Everyone is really touched by their hearts, and there is a sense of trance.

Everyone seemed to have returned to more than twenty years ago, and there was a feeling of seeing the first president and Bai Yaoyao.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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