Duan Jintian hadn't thought about this topic before. This would hear Xirong Fuchen's words seriously, and her heart beat faster.

But there was a hint of reason telling her that she was willing.

But she thought, she is only twenty years old now, is she too young?

According to this era, why should we be after twenty-two?

Want Brother Chen to wait another two years?

But her brother Chen is so lonely, he has no relatives, what should he do?

Is she going to get married and have children in college?

She believed that Brother Chen would treat her well and would love her, and she was willing.

But, it seems that she is not old enough, she is really only 20 years old, can she get a certificate at the age of e?

Duan Jintian's mind flashed a lot of ideas at once.

When Xirong Fuchen heard Duan Jintian's answer just now, he felt a sudden shock, and he naturally knew what she meant.

This stupid girl, what he said is that in the future, she actually understood to the present.

But he could feel that his girl was willing.

She was only twenty years old and was willing to think for him like this.

The deep sea waves of Xirong's floating dust suddenly flooded.

His girl is so good, how can he love her better!

Xirong Fuchen lowered his head and kissed Duan Jintian's heart, "My stupid girl, what I said is that you are only 20 years old in the future, how can I be willing to let you have a baby for me now."

She is still a child, and he has to spoil the love.

Duan Jintian froze stupidly: "It is later, I think it is now."

Xirong Fuchen looked at her confused look and couldn't help laughing.

His eyes flashed, and he couldn't help teasing her: "Sweet if you like, you can do it now."

Duan Jintian hurriedly covered his face, his face was red, "Oh, Brother Chen, people are still small and small."

"Good, don't tease you, are you tired? Take a break, let's eat."

"Uh huh."

Xirong Fuchen asked Duan Jintian to sit down on the sofa, put her fruits and desserts, and then went to the kitchen.

Duan Jintian sat on the sofa, calming the emotion she had just excited.

She winked and looked at the surrounding scenery, and there were many rag dolls, which she liked very much.

There are also various decorations on the table.

Duan Jintian sat for a while, and didn't see Xirong Fuchen coming back. She thought he went to get something.

Duan Jintian couldn't sit still and started looking for Xirong Fuchen.

The attendant saw Duan Jintian and said enthusiastically: "Mrs. President."

"How about your president?"

"The president went to cook for his wife, and his subordinates were the first to see who the president had prepared for. In the past, the president used to cook for himself. He said he wanted to practice cooking, and his subordinates did not know why the president practiced. Culinary skills, now I know, he is for his wife."

Duan Jintian listened, and was very moved. Her eyes shone like water, smiled at the attendant, and then went to the kitchen to find Xirong Fuchen.

As soon as he entered the kitchen, Duan Jintian saw the busy figure there.

It turned out that her brother Chen was so honorable and beautiful in her apron.

There is a different feeling, with a red dust breath.

Duan Jintian looked at it for a while and became obsessed with it.

When Xirong Fuchen turned his head, he just saw Duan Jintian and smiled softly, "Why don't you come here without sitting for a break?"

"I want to stay by your side, I'll help you cook together."

Duan Jintian had studied cooking before, and she also wanted to cook for her brother Chen.

How did Xirong Fuchen let Duan Jintian do it? He took a stool beside him and let Duan Jintian sit there. "Sit, so it's by my side."

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