There were no other women or girls beside Xirong Fuchen.

The only thing he touched was Duan Jintian.

And there was no one else in his heart, only Duan Jintian.

So under the darkness of the night, the beloved girl leaned in his arms, letting him feel that soft feeling, he really couldn't sit still.

His heart was trembling, pounding straight, he was in a trance for a moment, he felt a little overwhelmed.

Xirong Fuchen's body tightened up at this moment, his breath suffocated for a moment.

He looked at the man in his arms, the girl in his arms, and his throat rolled twice.

He sighed helplessly in his heart, and his proud self-control seemed useless in front of Duan Jintian.

He can't control himself.

At this time, his body was tight, followed by a heat and impulse.

At night, it's really easy to get confused.

But no, his girl is only twenty years old, he has to wait.

Because of love, I don't want to hurt her.

Xirong Fuchen really used a lot of self-control to control himself and restrain himself.

He wanted to give Duan Jintian a kiss, but he was afraid that a kiss would be out of control.

So he can only take a few deep breaths and then push away Duan Jintian reluctantly.

"Good boy, go to sleep!"

Xirong Fuchen really used a lot of self-control to do so.

He tried to make his look normal and natural.

He didn't even dare to watch Duan Jintian, because he was afraid that after watching it, he couldn't help but get close and want to do something.

Duan Jintian didn't know what happened. She didn't want to leave Xirong Fuchen's side at this moment.

She felt that her heart would be lonely and empty, and she couldn't help but want to be near him.

And the presidential palace here, she is not familiar with it. Although that room is a girl's room, she likes it, but she still wants to stay in a room with Xirong's dusty atmosphere.

She didn't expect Xirong Fuchen to push her away and let her go to bed.

Duan Jintian was stunned, she didn't understand or understand.

Sister Shiqin said that if a man loves a woman, there is something very strong about that woman.

But she didn't see it on Xirong Fuchen!

Duan Jintian is really a little dazed.

In fact, she learned a lot of knowledge, but in terms of feelings, she didn't really understand anything.

As for understanding that point, Sister Shiqin told her.

Duan Jintian looked up to see Xirong Fuchen's eyes and met the dim dark light under his eyes, only to feel that there was a strong suction there, as if to swallow her.

Duan Jintian looked at him without blinking, feeling that the soul was about to enter Xirong Fuchen's eyes.

At this moment, Xirong Fuchen looked away.

His throat rolled, and he no longer looked at Duan Jintian. "It's a little late. Be good, go to bed!"

When speaking, Xirong Fuchen's voice was a little hoarse.

His hands were stiff and he controlled the girl who would not hug him.

Duan Jintian's heart was a little empty, but the restraint made her speechless.

Her face changed, looking at the stiff Xirong Fuchen, and nodded: "Brother Chenchen, I'm going to bed first."

"it is good."

Xirong Fuchen had always been looking at Duan Jintian's figure. When she was leaving the room, he really wanted to pull her into his arms.

There is really such an impulse.

But the reason why people are people is because they have strong restraint and can control their own hearts with reason.

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