Moreover, Xirong Fuchen knew that if Aunt Bai could return to her father, her father would definitely kill her.

Father will give her the love she once owed to Bai Yi, and she will love it without reservation.

It won't be like that.

It is a pity that his father understood it too late.

Now that Xirong Fuchen has grown up, facing a beloved girl, she will truly understand what love is all about.

He can know what kind of state of mind his father was later.

If it weren't for the sake of cultivating his ability, his father would have already left!

At the last moment, he was also holding on, just to meet Aunt Bai.

His father was afraid of his hatred towards Aunt Bai, so he told him stories about his experiences with Aunt Bai since he was very young.

Father said that Aunt Bai was worthy of him from beginning to end, because he hurt Aunt Bai.

It was only painful that when he later wanted to make up for his love and to take his life to love, the woman was no longer there.

Duan Jintian didn't know what it was like when he heard Xirong Fuchen's words.

Duan Jintian looked at Xirong Fuchen's look, and felt a pain in her heart. She reached out and hugged Xirong Fuchen's waist, "Brother Chen, I won't leave you, we need to be good."

Xirong Fuchen was embraced by Duan Jintian, and his heart was warm.

He felt that because of Duan Jintian's presence, those sad emotions at the bottom of his heart were all gone.

He held Duan Jintian tightly, "Well, we won't be separated."

Tired of shopping, the two finished dinner, and Xirong Fuchen took Duan Jintian's hand back to the presidential palace.

On the way, Xirong Fuchen worried that Duan Jintian was tired and squatted down to carry her.

Duan Jintian was embarrassed, and Xirong Fuchen would also be tired. She couldn't bear to tired him.

Go back to the presidential palace and have a rest.

Duan Jintian mentions going to see Xirong Fuchen's father.

Xirong Fuchen took Duan Jintian to his father's room and office.

"These are father's things. Father's things are not much. What he cherishes is what the auntie left. But it seems that the auntie left nothing. There is a sweater. Let me take those before my father goes. Things are buried with him."

Duan Jintian felt a solemn feeling when he entered this office.

She saw a picture on the wall, a picture of Xirong Fuchen's father when he was young!

Duan Jintian looked at the photo seriously and always felt that the people in the photo were also looking at her.

"Brother Chen, your father looked good when he was young. No wonder my mother liked him at first. I heard my mother say that she started chasing your father when she was a girl!"

Xirong Fuchen smiled faintly, "My father also told me about those past events, that is their youth!"

"My mother's youth turned out to be so crazy, but after seeing your father's picture, I believe why my mother is obsessed with high face value! But my father is also very handsome."

Xirong Fuchen shook his head helplessly, "So my sweetness is a little nympho."

Duan Jintian blinked his eyes, and a cunning light flashed in his eyes. "Well, Brother Chen used to fascinate me with Yan Yan."

Xirong Fuchen remembered that they smiled helplessly when they were young.

When she called him, she was a pretty big brother.

He should thank his parents for giving him such a good face value, at least let him win the heart of his beloved girl.

But he knew that when he got along, he still had to take good care of his girl.

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