Xi Rongziye said this to himself.

This time, he will really treat Yaoyao well.

It really won't change, it won't hurt her heart again.

Because Bai Yaoyao is sad, he will be more painful and distressed.

His obsession is only for her.

No wonder Bai Yaoyao couldn't believe it. Rong Ziye's changes were too sudden. Rong Ziye was still indifferent yesterday. Today, she suddenly became gentle and began to care about her.

She dare not believe it.

She was afraid that she really believed. What if she suddenly became indifferent?

Can she still have a heart?

Bai Yaoyao doesn't know anything about another world, so she can't believe it.

And Xi Rongziye came from that world, so he deeply understood that he already knew his heart best and what he was going to do best.

He couldn't tell Bai Yaoyao about another world, he could only make Bai Yaoyao believe him.

In fact, when holding Bai Yaoyao, Xi Rongziye was in a trance, did things in that world really exist?

Or is it just a dream, this dream tells him, let him cherish Bai Yaoyao, let him not miss such a good girl?

But if the world is fake and dreamy, he knows that Bai Yaoyao sent him sweaters.

Therefore, no matter what is true and what is fake, he does not care, he only cares about Bai Yaoyao.

The moment Xi Rong Ziye embraced Bai Yaoyao, his whole body was relaxed and there was a deep sense of satisfaction.

He felt that Yao Yao hadn't been able to hold him for a long time.

He missed her very much.

My heart hurts.

Xi Rong Ziye only felt that all the breath in Bai Yaoyao made him miss and indulge.

He wanted to keep holding his hands like this.

Xi Rong Ziye wanted to tighten his arms hard, but he was reluctant to hurt Bai Yaoyao, so he was overbearing and gentle.

Bai Yaoyao stiffened his body, exactly like the sculpture, forgot to cry, and forgot the ripples that just hit the bottom of his heart.

She was hugged by Rong Ziye.

She used to think about when Rong Ziye was willing to approach her, to have close contact with her, how good she could hold her hand and hug her.

She used to look forward to thinking like this before.

At that time, she even thought that Rong Ziye let her take the initiative.

But Rong Ziye was really too cold and too cold. She would stay away from him when she was a few steps closer to him on weekdays.

Now, he took the initiative to hug her, and the hug was still tight, so that she could smell his elegant breath in her breath.

So good.

Bai Yaoyao blinked hard, she must make sure she was not dreaming.

Fortunately, it was snowing in the sky and the weather was very cold, she could still keep awake.

So, is it true that Rong Ziye embraces her?

"Rong... Rong Ziye, you... Why did you hug me? Will you hug me?"

When speaking this sentence, Bai Yaoyao was incoherent. She seemed to have said something without thinking through her brain.


He has many, many answers to say, nothing more than a love word, but also a deep love.

But I can't say it now.

Xi Rongziye can only whisper: "The weather is a bit cold, so that it will not be cold, it will be warmer."

Bai Yaoyao's mouth twitched, and it was OK.


However, Rong Ziye said that she did feel that the weather was quite cold. Her thoughts were all on Rong Ziye. She even forgot the cold.

Bai Yaoyao pursed his lips and hesitated and said: "It's snowing today, it's quite cold, so let's go eat hot pot together, OK?"

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