Xi Rong Ziye kept shouting in his heart, don't go, don't go.

His heart will suffocate, he will die.

Without Bai Yaoyao, he would really die.

This time, he came for Bai Yaoyao.

Xi Rong Ziye was very sorry and regretful. He had hurt Bai Yaoyao before, but he did not treat Bai Yaoyao well.

But he will change, he will treat her well, really don't go, don't go...

Xi Rong Ziye has to say a lot, but because he is not a person who is good at expressing his inner emotions, plus this moment, his heart is very painful, he will be speechless at all for a while, his throat is stuck It's the same.

Bai Yaoyao was embraced by Rong Ziye from behind.

She was stunned, and the feeling of holding came very clearly.

She thinks that Rong Ziye's strange appearances may not be her dream.

She looked down at the hands around her waist as if she felt Rong Ziye's arms shaking.

When she heard his voice just now, she seemed to have a little choked voice. His tone seemed to beg her, beg her not to leave?

Bai Yaoyao couldn't believe it, but actually it was.

She paused for a long while before slowly recovering. She found her voice and said: "Rong Ziye, are you serious?"

Xi Rong Ziye did not dare to make too deep moves, he was afraid to scare Bai Yaoyao again.

At this moment, he realized that everything had to take place slowly, so Bai Yaoyao slowly believed him.

"Yaoyao, believe me, I'm serious. You used to pay so much for me. I asked you to have a meal. It should have been what I should do."

Bai Yaoyao slowly turned around, but Rong Ziye still clasped her arms, a seemingly light but tight force.

Let Bai Yaoyao be able to move in his arms, but he should not let go of her.

He was afraid, he was afraid that Bai Yaoyao would leave and disappear from his sight.

At this time, Xi Rongziye really understood Bai Yaoyao's feelings towards him before. This feeling was really too painful and uncomfortable.

But he let Bai Yaoyao endure so long.

Xi Rong Ziye thought that he loved Bai Yaoyao no matter how much he loved, and he made up too much, but actually owed Bai Yaoyao.

Bai Yaoyao turned to Rong Ziye's eyes and saw the light inside, her heart fluttered.

She didn't know what to say at this time.

She just blinked and said, "Do you really invite me to dinner this time?"

"Well, please eat, as long as you like to eat, you are happy."

Bai Yaoyao smiled, she tried to believe, is it possible?

It turns out that he can be gentle and treat her well!

It turns out that Baishen Steel can be turned into a finger-like softness, right?

She can melt Rong Ziye's heart.

Bai Yaoyao laughed again, this time with tears in her eyes, but she did not let the tears flow out.

She nodded vigorously, "Okay."

When the two of them actually sat down, Bai Yaoyao still had a sense of unreality.

In fact, she was very happy and had a sense of euphoria.

She really sat with Rong Ziye and had a good meal, and he looked at her, his eyes focused and gentle.

Before, she did not dare to think.

It is true now.

She couldn't help raising her lips, but she tried to control them.

Bai Yaoyao's feet under the table kept moving. Like a little girl, she had a very cute and sweet gesture.

Because her mood is really good.

And when the clerk put the hot pot up, the air was hot, she looked at the opposite Rong Ziye and thought he was really good-looking.

Her efforts are rewarding.

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