What Rong Ziye didn't know was that Bai Yaoyao loved him so deeply, the fear, the feeling of suffering and loss.

Bai Yaoyao actually loved him with a heart that ignored his injury.

Rong Ziye wanted to convince Bai Yaoyao that Bai Yaoyao did not dare.

Because in the past few months, from the first year of school to the last semester, the exam is almost on. Rong Ziye has always been cold and indifferent to her. That's how she saw it.

She suffers from her distressed feeling.

Of course, she always insisted that Rong Ziye sometimes talked to her and she would be very happy.

She thought she was stupid, but she couldn't control it.

But before, she hid her emotions very well because she thought she was invincible.

But when Rong Ziye said some sentimental words, some of the emotions she pressed to the bottom of her heart were immediately inspired.

Those hurt those pains, the sourness she hid in the bottom of my heart.

Bai Yaoyao felt sore eyes.

She didn't know what happened to these two days?

She wants to beat herself twice. Why is it so fragile? Is it because Rong Ziye started to care about her?



Bai Yaoyao is adjusting her emotions. She dare not raise her head. She is so painful now that she starts to think about it cranky.

She needs to adjust her mood.

Let her slow down, and after a slow down, her mood will be good.

Looking at Bai Yaoyao like this, Rong Ziye could feel the sad breath emanating from her.

He is distressed!

Rong Ziye said hoarsely in a low voice: "Yaoyao, I like you, let me be kind to you from today, okay?"

Bai Yaoyao was shocked when he heard this sentence.

She could hear the seriousness in this sentence.

But she still wanted to see, she looked up at Rong Ziye.

See the emotion in his eyes.

This time, Bai Yaoyao's heart trembled.

Can you really believe it?

Believe in feelings you like?

Did he really like her?

Bai Yaoyao opened his eyes and watched, his eyes wide, not to miss any expression on Rong Ziye's face.

Rong Ziye seemed to know Bai Yaoyao's doubts, he nodded hard to Bai Yaoyao, "Yaoyao, it is true."

At this moment, Bai Yaoyao had no emotion, she just wanted to cry.

She tried to keep her from crying, but her tears flowed down.

Drop by drop.

It just dropped into the bowl.

"Yaoyao, you... don't cry, don't cry..."

When Bai Yaoyao was crying, Rong Ziye really didn't know how to comfort.

She hurts, so does he.

He didn't know what to do?

Is he saying the wrong thing?

Bai Yaoyao wiped the tears from her eyes with her back. She took a deep breath and smiled at Rong Ziye: "Rong Ziye, I am scared. I am very fragile and not as strong as you think. I may not be able to bear it anymore. Other changes."

He said he liked it, he couldn't leave.

Rong Ziye felt a blade in his heart that cut his heart at once.

"Yaoyao, I don't leave, I'm serious, I really don't leave, I will let you feel my heart in the future."

Bai Yaoya only felt that the impact of these two days was great, and she did not straighten out her feelings.

She bit her lip with her teeth, "So, Rong Ziye, are you moved?"

When saying this, Bai Yaoyao stared cautiously at Rong Ziye, and his roommate's words still echoed in his ears in the morning.

She didn't dare to ask before, but now she couldn't help asking.

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