Bai Yaoya thought, his mouth involuntarily evoked a soft smile, a very warm smile.

Rong Ziye was fascinated.

For him, Bai Yaoyao's sincere smile is the most beautiful.

Bai Yaoyao felt his fiery eyes and smiled slightly.

The most is the gentle gentleness that bowed his head. Perhaps it is the Bai Yaoyao now.



Bai Yaoyao blinked at Rong Ziye with clear eyes, a little puzzled and puzzled.

Rong Ziye smiled, "Yao Yao."

"Well, I'm here!"

"I just want to call you."

Rong Ziye felt the feeling in his heart quietly.

There is a kind of sweetness, pain and sourness with memories in it.

Once in that world, then even the president, but the heights were cold, countless times, he shouted Bai Yaoyao's name under the silent night, but no one answered.

That kind of hollow pain is too painful.

So he feels that he is now called Bai Yaoyao. Hearing her answer, he is really happy, and he can spread a happy feeling in his heart.

I don't know why, when Bai Yaoyao heard Rong Ziye's words, she suddenly felt distressed and distressed Rong Ziye.

She didn't know why.

I felt that Rong Ziye seemed to hide a lot of thoughts.


From this day on, the entire school found that Rong Ziye and Bai Yaoyao were almost inseparable.

Two people have breakfast together and take self-study together. It is not the same class. In every class, Rong Ziye will send Bai Yaoyao to pick up Bai Yaoyao.

The two had dinner together at noon, together in the afternoon and at night.

Perhaps only very late will Rong Ziye send Bai Yaoyao back to the dormitory building.

At first, many people were surprised and discussed this matter with each other.

But after a long time, everyone found that Rong Ziye was really fond of Bai Yaoyao.

Especially eyes cannot deceive others.

He only had Bai Yaoyao in his eyes, as if no one else was there.

Indeed, Rong Ziye's heart is only on Bai Yaoyao.

Rong Ziye already had different abilities, he used the first pot of gold, and had time to invest in the stock market, and really made a lot of money.

In addition to shopping for Bai Yaoyao and taking Bai Yaoyao for dinner, Rong Ziye plans to build his business empire at other times.

The time flickered, and it was time for the final exam of the first semester of freshman.

Rong Ziye was also a learner when he was in another world, so he should take the exam again.

Any knowledge in his mind is clear.

During the self-study, he gave Bai Yaoyao the key points, "You just look at these."

Bai Yaoyao looked at Rong Ziye's guidance and guidance, and was a little drunk.

She especially likes to see Rong Ziye's seriousness, whether it is studying or something else.

There will be a strong charm in him.

Bai Yaoyao was very happy. During this time, she also knew that Rong Ziye was serious about her.

Every day, he is trying to treat her well.

He would use the money he earned to buy her many things.

She didn't want it at first, but Rong Ziye looked at her with a sad look.

That look made Bai Yaoyao feel pain in his heart.

She remembered that she wanted to treat Rong Ziye well before, and when she gave him something, if he did not accept it, her mood.

She can understand it, so she will accept it.

When she received it, she could feel that Rong Ziye's look would be better.

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