When Bai Yaoyao was gray-haired later, looking at the tenderness in Rong Ziye's eyes, she couldn't help but ask, "Zi Ye, why have you been so good to me."

"Because you are my love, my heart, my life!"

Bai Yaoyao couldn't help giggling even when she was about this age.

She felt passing by for decades, but she seemed to have been nourished with love by Rong Ziye.

Rong Ziye is willing to spoil her beloved girl as a little girl.

Bai Yaoyao is also completely spoiled by Rong Ziye, who has always been like a little girl, simple and carefree.

No matter what happened, Rong Ziye thought for her first.

Even after Bai Yaoyao had been spoiled for so many years, Rong Ziye still felt that it was not enough.

He still has so much love in his heart that he wants to give Bai Yaoyao.

He thought he was in that world and loved Bai Yaoyao deeply.

But after being together, he found out that his love was deeper.

His love for Bai Yaoyao is beyond his control.

He felt that every day it seemed that love would be deeper.

Even when the two men reached the age of gray hair, Rong Ziye would hold Bai Yaoyao's hand and walked through many places.

Rong Ziye has been exercising all the time. He can move Bai Yaoyao on his back, so he will carry her around.

In that world, Bai Yaoyao said that when she wore it on her back, there was a feeling of utter frigidity, and she liked it very much.

Rong Ziye remembers everything Bai Yaoyao said, whether it is this world or that world.

As long as it is what Bai Yaoyao wants to do, he will do it for her.

In the past, Bai Yaoyao said he wanted to travel everywhere.

In this world, Rong Ziye is the boss of the business empire, so he has the ability to take Bai Yaoyao around the world.

Until the last moment of life, Bai Yaoyao was smiling.

"Zi Ye, I love you, thank you for spoiling me forever."

Rong Ziye looked at Bai Yaoyao lying on the bed, crying and crying silently.

Even in the eyes of everyone in this world, he is so powerful and hegemonic of the world economy, but he only has a warm and a love in his heart, that is for Bai Yaoyao.

This life seems to be very long, but in a flash, it passed by so quickly in a few decades.

He didn't love Bai Yaoyao enough.

He didn't love enough yet.

"Yaoyao, survive, survive."

A happy smile appeared on Bai Yaoyao's face, "Zi Ye, don't cry, you have given me a lot of love. Everyone is old and sick, and how can you say that you can't die if you don't die."

Rong Ziye held Bai Yaoyao's hand and held it vigorously, his hands were shaking, he was afraid, he had never been so afraid for a moment.

Rong Ziye barely blinked.

But when Bai Yaoyao finally breathed down, Rong Ziye went back in a trance, then wrote a will, and he donated all his assets to charity.

When he and Bai Yaoyao's children found him, he was already dead, and he died in sitting, holding Bai Yaoyao's ashes in his hand.

He promised Bai Yaoyao, he let her go first, because the one who stayed was the most painful.

But he loves Yaoyao so much, he will not live alone.

After one hundred years of life, Rong Ziye met the messenger again after his death.

The messenger smiled at him, "Hundreds of years have passed, your obsession has passed, can you leave now?"

Rong Ziye looked back at the world, saw Xirong Fuchen and Duan Jintian sweet together, he sighed, then nodded.

He is going to leave here now, even if it is a ghost image, he will leave this world.

He only hopes that the person he loves can be happy.

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