Hua Jingxun said, with a fierce arc in the corner of his mouth.

Since patience is useless, she will become stronger and can't bear it anymore.

Her patience step by step, these people thought she was bullying!

And she didn't know why, she actually felt that the strength of her body was getting stronger.

It seemed that it was very easy to hold Shen Wanyan's wrist.

This change makes Hua Jingxun excited.

Here, only strong enough to protect themselves and their families.

This is a strong world.

Even with high technology, sometimes the speed of guns is not as fast as the power is exerted.

When Shen Wanyan heard Hua Jingxun's voice again, and then saw the cold smile in the corner of her mouth, she didn't know why. She shivered and her back was chilly.

I don't know why, she always feels that the current Jingjing is different from before. What's different is not clear, she can't tell.

Before she could react, she left a voice in her ear, "Don't provoke me, otherwise I will kill."

Hua Jingxun left such a sentence and left.

Shen Wanyan looked at Hua Jingxun's figure, and she didn't know why, but she was not reconciled, so she wanted to go to the Duanmu family to see how Hua Jingxun was embarrassing.

Hum, Hua Jingxun has no place to go, and only the Duanmu family can go.

She would like to see, what would happen to the Duanmu family if they did not spend time?

Will you kneel down and beg for mercy...


the other side

When some of the movie guards found Xie Lingye.

Xie Lingye was sitting right there, with white light looming around her.

Xie Lingye is the son of Xie Limo and Yun Bixue.

Xie Limo and Yun Bixue are the fairy bones, the soul is the god, and has the most powerful power.

Xie Lingye actually knows everything since he was a child, and he is intelligent and sensible, because he is from the God World.

His body is very strong, and he has great strength.

In the normal world of unknown states, his breath is hidden.

But here, the place where the planet and the sky are connected, the land of aura, Xie Lingye's ability was inspired.

There was white light looming on him.

Some subordinates saw the master's appearance and stood quietly beside them, daring not to disturb.

The power of the Xie family is known to them as subordinates of the most elite.

Especially Xueyingwei, they have experienced a lot of things with the owner Xie Limo, so they are not surprised.

After Xie Lingye's breath calmed down, these subordinates knelt down to guilt.

When Xie Lingye opened his eyes, his eyes were gleaming, but they were mysterious and unpredictable, making people unable to discern emotions.

"Stay in Zhongzhou mainland!"

All the subordinates looked at each other, they didn't understand why the young master should stay in such a mixed world.

No need at all?

And in their view, Zhongzhou mainland is very backward, and it is not comparable to the prosperity of Xie's headquarters.

Nowadays, the entire unknown state and many parts of the world are under the control of Xie.

So why did Master stay here?

But as subordinates, they did not have the courage to ask, they only obeyed orders.

And the young master was obviously permeated with a cold chill, so that they all have a feeling that the back is cold and cannot breathe.

Don't look at the young man's feeling of being elegant and jade on weekdays, don't look at the gentle warmth of the young man in front of his two younger sisters, but in fact, the young man is the most powerful and terrifying existence.

He can control everything in one laugh.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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