If it were before, Hua Jingxun might be hit by a teacup.

But this time, Hua Jingxun turned his head away.

Hua Jingxun felt wronged and pained.

No one knows how she feels inside.

She valued her family very seriously.

Since she was far from her hometown, she felt that her heart was drifting and helpless. She always wanted to have a home.

She actually drifted like duckweed for a long time, she didn’t know where the heart was

Since she was with Duanmu Qinghen, she thought she felt at home, but not.

She felt her heart was more tired.

The people of the Duanmu family looked down on her and thought she was from a rural background. She had no family background and was not worthy of Duanmu Qingshen.

In the Duanmu family, she forbeared his mother for Duanmu Qingshen, but it was useless.

They despised her origin.

No matter how hard she tries to be accepted by the Duanmu family, Duanmu Qinghen's mother is always picky and picky.

It is said that mothers of single-parent families depend on their sons.

She didn't understand before, but only later.

She grabbed Duan Muqing's mother with Duanmu Qingjian.

When she was beside Duanmu Qingzhen, she dared not have more intimate contact with Duanmu Qingzhen.

She couldn't even grab Duan Muqing's mother.

Because when Duanmu Qinghen was very young, his father went, and he was dependent on his mother.

The Duanmu family's family business was also kept by him and his mother.

Otherwise, other people in the family would have divided up the family's industry.

He has great respect for his mother.

At first, she will feel very wronged and sad.

Duanmu Qingjian's mother always finds her faults intentionally, and she will be very tired.

She always feels that she was made by the Duanmu family as a maid.

At first, Duanmu Qinghen was really good to her, but she didn't know what happened later. Maybe his mother would always give him a whisper!

Hua Jingxun can't control so much now, can't care so much.

She just thought she was tired, and it was really tiring to deal with such an old lady.

Hua Jingxun wanted to refute it, her heart was about to explode, and her head hurt.

She hadn't slept all day and night, and she was a little unstable.

She wants to rest now, really wants to rest.

In the past, she especially wanted to have a family. After she felt that she had a family, she could find a way to rely on her heart, and perhaps be more relaxed.

But this is not the case.

She felt she was more tired and her heart was very tired. When she wanted to rest, she couldn't rest freely.

She used to live in a rented house before, but at least, when she wanted to sleep, no one managed her.

She can really sleep with her eyes closed.

But now, she had to stand here.

Good tutoring prevents her from doing things that refute her elders.

But what if this elder is too much?

"What's your question, why don't you talk to me now? Will you still be the owner here? Do you still have Duanmu Qingshen in your eyes? Is there my mother?"

The old lady's voice was sharp.

But every time she reprimanded her, there was no one around, so the servants did not know what happened in the auditorium.

Everyone thought that every time she yelled at the old lady, she thought she was not a person who honored the old man.

When grieved, Hua Jingxun especially missed her mother.

She felt that her favorite person in the world was her mother.

If there is a mother, she will never treat her like this.

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