The subordinates are really curious.

What kind of woman is it for the young master to maintain this way?

Could it be that the young master kept shouting at the woman they were looking for, and the woman who showed a pair of eye clues?

During this time, everyone could have focused on finding things.

However, because of the intricacies of mainland China and the constant provocations, they have all been busy fighting and fighting recently. There is not much time to find the woman in the painting.

Is it this?

In other words, they watched the young master grow up. The young master began to receive various trainings from a very young age, and at such a young age, his ability and endurance are very strong.

Of course, the key is that the young master is busy training, and is busy with everything in the family.

Someone tried to push women around the young master, but those women seemed to disappear.

Moreover, those who are in a bad mood are dealt with by the young master.

After a long time, no one dared to daringly give the young master a woman.

So in these years, they have never seen a woman appear near the young master.

Of course, only the younger sister's two sisters can get close to the younger master, other women? You haven't seen it.

The young master looks gentle and easy to talk, but in fact the air-conditioning emitted from his body can freeze people.

Everyone wants to be close to the young master, but also to be close to life!

But when I came to the mainland of Zhongzhou, the young master was close to the female. The key is not only to be close to the female, but also to look at the young master, which is very protective of this woman!

And even neglect the cleanliness.

If only to save a person, the young master can let them belong to save this woman.

But the young master came to hug himself.

Everyone was actually shocked.

But they have been trying to remain calm.

I am curious as to how sacred this woman is, so that the young master should be treated like this is completely unprecedented.

And the point is that since they came to the mainland of Zhongzhou with the young master, they have never left the young master. When did the young master know the woman, they did not know.

Maybe these subordinates don't know.

The woman's stubbornness and her mouth kept shouting not to die. That kind of perseverance made Jian Bing in Xie Lingye's heart slightly open.

It was temporarily dealt with here. Xie Lingye left Hua Jingxun with her arms, and all the subordinates followed.

The rain continued to fall, the sound of the rain gradually grew louder, and the rain became fiercer.

When Hua Jingxun was sleeping, she slept very unsteady.

She could hear the rain outside, but she didn't know why, the air lingering in the air made her feel safe.

Faintly, I was not afraid of anything and felt very safe.

She did not know that this breath was Xie Lingye.

It was the man who was hers that day.

Xie Lingye asked the doctor to treat Hua Jingxun's wound, but he didn't know why, so he stayed here.

Just after returning, Xie Lingye asked someone to check the woman's information.

Only then knew everything that this woman experienced.

Then I realized why she always emphasized that she could not die.

What a distressing woman.

Xie Lingye couldn't help thinking of her mother, remembering that her mother said that she had been desperately injured before, and that her father saved her entire person. Therefore, Xie Lingye was so miserable that she had a different feeling about the flowers.

Maybe it was that night, maybe she was stubborn, or maybe something else.

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